Just accept it and move on....


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Would you please link to any place where I said I was right and everyone else is wrong. You seem obsessed with number of posts and length of threads. Why is that? Does this data have any bearing on the content of the posts and the topic of the thread? Were any of my posts not related to the topic of the thread?

I believe I actually said in that thread that the point is not to convince skeptics but instead to present the side of the people with experience and let the readers decide. Do you have a problem with that?

Also if you fully agree with Duckie then I guess we have seen the last of you in CTE threads. I don't think we have but you both could end up practicing what you preach and surprising us all. People can change.
You're starting to sound more and more like JB. The more interesting question for us to ponder is: Can a leopard change his spots?

Patrick Johnson

Fish of the Day
Silver Member
You're starting to sound more and more like JB.
I say welcome to the new, chilled out John. But, John, you still need to learn that your posts (and whatever message may be in them) will reach way more people if you keep them under novel length. I doubt that many here will plow through all that - I skip most posts that length.



You're starting to sound more and more like JB. The more interesting question for us to ponder is: Can a leopard change his spots?

Sooo, essentially you prefer to make unfounded accusations and not answer direct questions? And you feel that this is a productive way to talk about a subject?


A wolf in sheep's clothing is still a wolf, right? :rolleyes:

That's correct. And your point is? If you agree with Duckie then we can expect you to stay out of CTE discussions and not to actively campaign against the method right?

We can expect that you will not be flaming the threads and calling people names as you have done in the thread you started right?

Two simple questions to answer.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
On my next trip to America I plan to buy everything you have put out because I like your approach to the game. Thank you for sharing anything you want with us.
Hi John,
When's your next trip to America? We need to play sometime. :grin:


Hi John,
When's your next trip to America? We need to play sometime. :grin:

Um Allen? You don't know me and I have no desire to meet you. If it makes you feel better to project your animosity towards others onto me then feel free. I personally would like to see you answer the questions I posed. Would you be so kind as to do that please?


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
Hi John,
When's your next trip to America? We need to play sometime. :grin:

C'mon....do you honestly think Roadie is JB? That John created this account 6 years ago, stashed it, and hasn't used it?

You guys are too much sometimes....


C'mon....do you honestly think Roadie is JB? That John created this account 6 years ago, stashed it, and hasn't used it?

You guys are too much sometimes....

This has happened before. People who have nothiing left attempt to impugn the speaker rather than to deal with the content of the message. It has been this way for thousands of years and will not change any time soon.

Anonymity is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because one can speak freely without the burden of suffering personal attack. A burden because one can speak cruelly without the consequence of personal attack.

Since I do not wish to be attacked personally for any reason and because I have seen what happens when forum users take it beyond the forum I choose to be anonymous. Thus the speculation as to my identity. The question that should really be asked however is whether the things I write are worth reading or not.

For all any of you know I could not even be a CTE user at all. I could be taking the pro side just for sport. And the larger point is that it doesn't matter whether I personally use it or not to any of you and your own skill level. The only thing that should matter to you is whether you want to try it or not and if you do then you should be allowed to discuss it unmolested. If you don't then you should simply stay out of the discussions. What you certainly should not do in the interest of common courtesy is attempt to disrupt the conversation and block others from information.

Imagine if Duckie were to open a thread called the Exploration of Ghost Ball and it were NOT simply a slam on other methods but instead a real in-dpeth look at the Ghost Ball method. Wouldn't it be an incredibly discourteous move for someone to interject something about CTE every couple posts in an attempt to completely derail the conversation?

Now I fully understand that trolling is the number one sport on the internet. It's fun to needle others and get them upset and watch them squirm. Same as when we were kids and we use magnifying glasses to fry ants and other similar things. I get it that there will always be people who delight in that type of behavior. So I harbor no illusion that it will go away. I simply hope that some here will choose to focus more on being positive than being negative just because they can.


No problem, John. I empathize with your not wanting to lose your shirt...and your money. :grin:

You are aware that John is the second most common english first name right? There is a very high probability that this is my first name. And no I have no desire to lose either my shirt or my money. You are correct, I am scared to play you, whoever you are.


Good morning Roadie (John),
Now that you've pretty much admitted your first name is John, let's continue connecting the dots with this thread that you were involved in:

:) This is amusing. Instead of simply saying you agree with Duckie and pledging to stop instigating controversy you would rather do this? Well you enjoy your dot connecting. I believe that my point has been adequately made that neither you nor Duckie has any intention of following your own advice.

It's alright. Another often used tactic of those with no valid points is to try to divert the conversation. Duckie claims that it's best to stop trying to convince others to convert to a point of view they are solidy against and you agreed with him. Yet neither of you will publicly pledge to follow that advice and stop interjecting inflammatory comments in CTE threads. In fact Duckie went so far as to jump into a thread where someone gave the forum a gift of a new type of training device to promote the arrow again.

So if you want to provide links to all of my posts over the years you are more than welcome to do so. That won't detract from the fact that you don't follow your own advice.


Amusing isn't the word I would use. In posts #14 and 17 of this thread, http://forums.azbilliards.com/showthread.php?t=161742, other people also connect the dots and come to the realization that your ID is suspect.

Hey thanks for the link I had forgotten about that thread. I am sure that John Barton is grateful that you posted links to it. Maybe you should bump the thread for him as well. He would probably appreciate the free exposure in the main forum.

Yes it's quite a game isn't it chasing anonymous members? Debate the content and not the person. For example I don't care if your name is Allen or whether you are a pool shark or not. I only care about what you say.

You say that people should stop flaming others and yet you do this. But even that does not matter because what you say and do on this forum has no importance to anyone in my opinion. And the reason I say this is based on the fact that you post nothing of substance. All you post is inflammatory comments or admontions to others that you yourself don't adhere to.

So forgive me if I don't really care about your speculations. You forget that anyone can look up a person's posting history and determine how best to deal with them. Your pattern is completely open for anyone to see who cares to look. Feel free to report me to moderators if you like. You can report me for being too polite. Unlike you I have not broken any rules.

Please make sure to point the moderators to the thread you started where you broke most of the forum rules. Are you honorable enough to do that? I ask because your posting history shows quite a lot of public tattling and bleating about others who broke the rules. So do you feel that it's only bad if others do it but not when you namecall and harrass?

Probably another question you won't answer.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hey thanks for the link I had forgotten about that thread. I am sure that John Barton is grateful that you posted links to it. Maybe you should bump the thread for him as well. He would probably appreciate the free exposure in the main forum.

... Unlike you I have not broken any rules.
Since you mentioned how grateful JB will be for my posting the link to that thread, it's just one more piece of evidence that you two are the same person.

JB was well known for breaking the rules so it's only to be expected that he'll do it again, regardless of the identity he assumes.


Since you mentioned how grateful JB will be for my posting the link to that thread, it's just one more piece of evidence that you two are the same person.

JB was well known for breaking the rules so it's only to be expected that he'll do it again, regardless of the identity he assumes.

Nah, everybody knows that Mr. Barton loves to promote his cases. Anyone who has been an active member here the past few years could tell you that Barton will be happy with ANY mention of his product.

You seem to be really reaching on this. If I remember correctly Mr. Barton was also accused of being a guy from Indonesia and a guy from Singapore. Perhaps he is half the membership of AZB???? Perhaps there is a Barton conspiracy support group you can join where you all can collaborate on your evidence.

I would suggest you simply accept the world as it is and move on.