Justin Bergman ?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
There's several reasons for Justin's decisions about traveling the international pool tournament trail, some of which are personal, but one very real issue is his disdain for flying in an airplane. I have the same disdain. We drive everywhere we go!
You are generally exceptionally precise with your writing, so your choice of "disdain" jumped out at me. I dislike, and even borderline hate flying in this "TSA and airline incompetence" age. But disdain?

I know this adds nothing to the meat of this conversation, so appologies - I tried, but couldn't figure out how to send this as a message or conversation.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
There's several reasons for Justin's decisions about traveling the international pool tournament trail, some of which are personal, but one very real issue is his disdain for flying in an airplane. I have the same disdain. We drive everywhere we go!
Me too, I traveled a lot before I retired and flying was horrible. I have a choice now and my wife drives me everywhere

Island Drive

Otto/Dads College Roommate/Cleveland Browns
Silver Member
it's not about statistics, but rather the unnatural concept of putting yourself in a tin can 40 000 feet up in the air. i don't have phobia, but i can 100% understand those that have.
Born on a lake, sailor/diver/zodiac you name it....
You'd never get me on a Cruise ship....
Why?.... if all hell broke loose the lemmings would be running around like chickens.
I don't like a captain that I don't know....
Me, when something happens on a boat that's life threating, I slow down/become calm and think.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
... I ... couldn't figure out how to send this as a message or conversation.
At the top right of the screen next to your screen name is something that looks like an envelope. Click that, then click "Start a new conversation." I think it is self-explanatory from there.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
At the top right of the screen next to your screen name is something that looks like an envelope. Click that, then click "Start a new conversation." I think it is self-explanatory from there.
I did that, but it wouldn't let me send. Could be me, could be that she has something set to prevent folks "conversing". I'm not ruling out that I goofed though. ;o)


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
I did that, but it wouldn't let me send. Could be me, could be that she has something set to prevent folks "conversing". I'm not ruling out that I goofed though. ;o)
Ah, you're probably right. In the Privacy section of your account, you can disallow others from starting a conversation with you. Maybe JAM has done that.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I am lucky to call Justin a good friend and to say he is a "never-was" is incredibly inaccurate. He is a really good person that just happens to be taking a break right now. He has a close family and that's where he spends a lot of his time. He will be back; you can count on that. I believe it was Alex that said, "after the break, Justin is as good as anyone." Jay


Older and Wiser
Silver Member
I am lucky to call Justin a good friend and to say he is a "never-was" is incredibly inaccurate. He is a really good person that just happens to be taking a break right now. He has a close family and that's where he spends a lot of his time. He will be back; you can count on that. I believe it was Alex that said, "after the break, Justin is as good as anyone." Jay
Agreed 100%. I suggested for years that Justin has the best after-the-break skills among American players. Matchroom has made the break far less important with its new break rules, and if Justin could regain his form of 2015-19 again, he could right in the mix in Matchroom events. Of course, if he won't fly, it's not a realistic possibility. His decision entirely.


MAGA Mafia
Silver Member
it's not about statistics, but rather the unnatural concept of putting yourself in a tin can 40 000 feet up in the air. i don't have phobia, but i can 100% understand those that have.
And those that put themselves in a plastic tube and go down to see the Titanic. 😬


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don’t enjoy flying either for many of the reasons mentioned in this thread, but it should be noted that there are 11 million flights per every 1 accident- much safer than driving and much, much safer than submersibles


from way back when
Silver Member
short trips a car makes sense. long trips you cant beat the airplane. unless you have a phobia, then thats on you.

my phobia is playing pool without having a decent sized bet on the game. but maybe thats why after all these decades i still have interest in it.
everyone gambles every day of their life on things that happen, as well as with their money. but somehow think its wrong for them to bet on pool.
to each his own.


from way back when
Silver Member
smart pool players are the ones that give up the tournament life and move on to something better. whatever that is for the person.

tournament pool is a dead end except for those from countries with few ways to ascend.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
He told me and the rest of the world Jason Backed out. If this is the same match where Corey stepped up and played 8 ball
Tried to get him to run back their race to 100. In the first he murdered Shaw like 72 to 100. The rematch was what fans wanted to see. I made it as easy as possible for him. Paid to show up, paid expenses, paid to play, free entry into a big tournament and I wasn't looking to take any winnings. Literally a free ride.


Huge Balls
Silver Member
Dude won't drive either.
In 2019 I made him the best deal possible to play Shaw again at my room and play Turning Stone in upstate NY....paid appearance, transportation here, hotel, entry to the Turning Stone with transportation there...
nothing motivates this guy.
Nobody "wants" to go to NY

decent dennis

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Tried to get him to run back their race to 100. In the first he murdered Shaw like 72 to 100. The rematch was what fans wanted to see. I made it as easy as possible for him. Paid to show up, paid expenses, paid to play, free entry into a big tournament and I wasn't looking to take any winnings. Literally a free ride.
Didn’t Jason want some changes in the pockets or something like that?