Latest Try at Pictures...


Will queue for cues
Silver Member
Well, the lights I ordered came in today and I decided to go ahead and see if I could take some better pictures. Here's what I came up with. Not quite where I would like them yet but they're getting better. I definitely need to get some decent material for backgrounds!




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AzB Gold Mensch
Silver Member
What kind of lights did you get? What kind of equipment?



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
my question is how do you insert the pictures into the actual post so that you don't have to click a hyperlink? you cannot get a good pictcure with that attachment manager built into the posting systm.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
guycrunch said:
my question is how do you insert the pictures into the actual post so that you don't have to click a hyperlink? you cannot get a good pictcure with that attachment manager built into the posting systm.


you host the pictures at another website and use IMG tags to disply the image.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
zeeder said:
Well, the lights I ordered came in today and I decided to go ahead and see if I could take some better pictures. Here's what I came up with. Not quite where I would like them yet but they're getting better. I definitely need to get some decent material for backgrounds!





Nice going Zeeder! Who's this Weston guy anyway? Lol!


Will queue for cues
Silver Member
iconcue said:
love those five veneers!
the pics look pretty dang good to me - especially if it's your first try with new lighting!
what kind of lighting did you get zack?
i just ordered some dif lights myself today (or yesterday - wed)
are you using a circular polarizing filter?
you need to close the lens down a little for better depth of field
i think the pics are very impressive - you'll only get better with the lighting.


Thanks Jeff that means a lot coming from a master of cue photography like yourself! I just got a couple of hot lights with incandescent (tungsten) bulbs. I'm not using a filter of any kind right now. I'm still just going little by little. When you say "close the lens down" what exactly does this mean? I'm very much a

I'm going to try to experiment some and take some pictures of all my cues this weekend, but studying is going to have to come first!


Will queue for cues
Silver Member
monski said:
WOW is all I can say. You gotta share your secret...

I really don't have any I finally just got some hot lights and tried to use the suggestion that, I think, bruin70 posted about angling the lights. Other than that I just experiment until I get something decent.

TATE said:
What kind of lights did you get? What kind of equipment?


I just got a couple of hot light stands and tungsten incandescent lights. The camera I'm using is a Nikon D70 dSLR.

coastydad said:
Nice going Zeeder! Who's this Weston guy anyway? Lol!

Coasty, thanks for the compliment! Who ever he is he's a bad mamma!


♥ Hippie Hustler ♥
Silver Member
zeeder said:
I really don't have any I finally just got some hot lights and tried to use the suggestion that, I think, bruin70 posted about angling the lights. Other than that I just experiment until I get something decent.

I just got a couple of hot light stands and tungsten incandescent lights. The camera I'm using is a Nikon D70 dSLR.

Coasty, thanks for the compliment! Who ever he is he's a bad mamma!

Maybe I should send you my cue to get photographed. Hmmm...well, on second thought, once you have it, I might not ever see it again!! J/K ;)



Will queue for cues
Silver Member
ridewiththewind said:
Maybe I should send you my cue to get photographed. Hmmm...well, on second thought, once you have it, I might not ever see it again!! J/K ;)


You wouldn't have to worry Lisa, I wouldn't think about not sending it back. It may one or two (or twenty) years but you'd get it!


Will queue for cues
Silver Member
iconcue said:
i don't even know what those kinda lights are? so i don't know that much either. mine are just flourescent lights in a box.

a circular polarizing filter will help reduce glare and can be moved in a circular motion to move the glare that remains. trade off is it requires more light.

by closing the lens down i just mean using a smaller aperture that would increase the depth of field that is in focus. trade off is it requires longer exposure times.

I'm just using the terminology that the people at the camera shop It's basically just a couple of tripod stands with incandescent lights in them. I'll have to figure out how to adjust the aperture and look into some poolarizing filters! I'm familiar with how they work as we talked about them in physics