Live streaming- Shooting Star Classic


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
He'll even give you the shirt off his back...............

We are streaming live matches through Monday. Coming up...

Masters Singles 8 Ball, Race to 5
2 PM Gene Albrecht vs Lee Heuwagen

Check this thread for more updates on live commentary and player matches times.

Mike's running a great tournament here at the Shooting Star Casino. He's went that extra mile including giving me that shirt off his back to make the tournament a success.

Thanks Mike Great tournament Geno........... The red shirt I'm wearing is Mike's. Now you don't know the rest of the story????
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J Layer

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Mike and Samm have done a great job!I thought everything was great!(But my game;))I know this is going to be a annual event.Huge turn out and a lot of big names in the masters as well.
Here's a more direct link to the live streaming..
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I see charlie garza is still going in the mens open. Are the open matches going to be streamed tomorrow? Good luck to ya charlie


We will have the Scotch Doubles Finals coming up within an hour.
Hot seat team is Beau Runningen/Tony Hilla and they play the winner of Dustin Gunia/Jarrod Frideres and Mark Steinhaus/Matt Sherman.---Scratch that. Dustin/Jarrod and Beau/Hilla split. Ladies match went to second set.

The Ladies Open Finals is streaming right now--Second set of the finals coming up.
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