Long vs. short posts............

Do you read or skip over LONGG posts?

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just curious how many AZ'rs read really long posts. I skip all the novella-length stuff. Fire away folks.


Older and Wiser
Silver Member
It's all about the poster and the topic. If I like both, I read. Sometimes, liking one of them is enough.

Similarly, if a post is long but the poster is an established expert on the subject (such as RealKingCobras' posts about tables) I'll probably read. I'm also inclined to read the first long thread of a new member, as long at the topic belongs in the main forum, and if it's a good one, I'll keep an eye out for their posts going forward.

I'm sure that this approach leads to my missing some very good posts, but it's how I handle it.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's all about the poster and the topic. If I like both, I read. Sometimes, liking one of them is enough.

Similarly, if a post is long but the poster is an established expert on the subject (such as RealKingCobras' posts about tables) I'll probably read. I'm also inclined to read the first long thread of a new member, as long at the topic belongs in the main forum, and if it's a good one, I'll keep an out for their posts going forward.

I'm sure that this approach leads to my missing some very good posts, but it's how I handle it.
Fence-sitter. ;)


AzB Gold Member
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Silver Member
If a long post is properly formatted (not one long paragraph) and it has my interest, I will read them. Conversely, if it is a short post, but about something weird or BS, seems to be a couple of those type posters, I just ignore it.

Bob Jewett

AZB Osmium Member
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I read slow. Every word. I want writers to get to the point.

One reason I like Bob Byrne's books is that his writing is concise. He told me that it sometimes took him a day to write one page. He often explains in one well-written paragraph what some authors drone on about for pages.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The length of a post won't deter me from starting to read, but the content will sometimes stop me from finishing. I know sometimes wordy isn't a good thing but on other occasions, the "bullet point only" method doesn't work either. I do prefer them formatted correctly as well, but I will still likely dig through them if it's a topic of interest to me.


Well-known member
It might be possible to make a separate forum, or separate section of the forum just for those who want two sentence posts for those who are challenged by longer ones.

The forum also has adjustment in the control panel that can limit post length, number of images or image size.. The forum administrator has those privileges necessary to make changes.

The use of the term "novella" seems intended to produce skewed results from the get-go.


Well-known member
If it is a long post, It depends on the topic and the poster on whether I read any or all of it.
Most of the time I walk.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I read slow. Every word. I want writers to get to the point.

One reason I like Bob Byrne's books is that his writing is concise. He told me that it sometimes took him a day to write one page. He often explains in one well-written paragraph what some authors drone on about for pages.

“I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.”​

― Mark Twain

For me, I give any post of any length a chance. Some long ones have surprised me and I've read to the end. Others, I give up on after a sentence or two. More fall into the latter category than the former category.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I voted "yes", but there are exceptions. Author and subject matter a lot, but I'll generally read at least a paragraph if it looks at all interesting. There are some posts and posters where I can't/won't get though a short sentence, but not really that many.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It might be possible to make a separate forum, or separate section of the forum just for those who want two sentence posts for those who are challenged by longer ones.

The forum also has adjustment in the control panel that can limit post length, number of images or image size.. The forum administrator has those privileges necessary to make changes.

The use of the term "novella" seems intended to produce skewed results from the get-go.
no need for veiled attacks. no one on here is 'challenged' by long posts. it just amazes me there are those with the ego/balls/hubris to assume that others want to sit thru their rambling multi-paragraph replies. I go on a lot of forums, they range from cigars to hi-end airguns to pool and knife-making to name a few. This is the only one that regularly features 1/2page(or more) posts/replies. I asked a simple question, no need to get pissy. I'm sure you'll respond with a good 3/4 page'r. ;) Relax man.


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
I voted that I skip them, which is accurate many times. But not all the time...as others have pointed out, there are some whose posts are well written, and I certainly don't skip them. Bob, Dr Dave, Stu, Jay, and others will always keep my attention.

I say all this with some self realization, as I often get too wordy in my own posts.
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AzB Gold Member
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Silver Member
I stay away from walls of text. If a longer post has actual paragraphs or sections to it I may give it a go, depending on the topic.