Matchroom 2024 UK Open Nineball (7-12 May2024), Prize Fund $200K


Well-known member
I love what Matchroom are doing, but their TV match selection is at times very questionable. Some players should be nowhere near the TV table in the rounds without a shot clock. Simply unwatchable.
I know it is probably un-PC to say it, but I don't care to watch players with non-athletic builds. To me it just shows a disrespect of pool as a sport.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
At every one of these events there are a handful of players that consistently take 1-3 minutes on 80% of their shots. Everyone knows who they are, but they still put them on the TV tables. I don't understand the thought process behind it when you are trying to sell the public on an "exciting sport".


Looks like the pocket sizes might be getting into Shane’s head. Missed a 9ball earlier in this match and now he just missed an 8ball trying to power draw back for position on the 9.

L.S. Dennis

Well-known member
I love what Matchroom are doing, but their TV match selection is at times very questionable. Some players should be nowhere near the TV table in the rounds without a shot clock. Simply unwatchable.
Totally agree, filmed matches without a strictly adhered to shot clocks are unwatchable. Nine ball was supposed to be the 'fast and loose' tv friendly game, initially that's why it was chosen in the first place for television! Instead with these slow players of today it's become the exact opposite!


Surprised to see Niels Feijen crash out.

He was complaining on Facebook that the pockets have become too tight.

Does he have a point? Lots of players are not going for bank shots.

Billy Thorpe is the best banker in Pool and even he was reluctant on some occasions.

Following on from Niels feijen, just seen Darren Appleton's take on 4" pockets. He thinks they are spot on.

Here's his pro two pence... I mean two cents!

"Lot of talk about pocket size this week ..
4inch IMO perfect for American pool..Don’t need to go any smaller or bigger. Sometimes will play a little smaller (like this week) or bigger from event to event just like it happens in Snooker/Chinese pool even English pool.. Table fitters and conditions play a big part so will never get them perfect…
Lot of people on the outside still think too big compared to snooker and Chinese pool but the games are completely different as 8ball and snooker you play in tight areas and for numerous balls so most shots about centre ball striking especially snooker … American pool not its a shot making game that requires a lot more spin and creativity and leaving the right angles..
Just means we got to practice harder those bad strokes don’t work anymore lol..
Well done to Matchroom Pool this week can’t wait for world champs next month in Saudi."


Emily said they thought the diamonds at their events were playing noticeably easier than the rasson tables so they’ve tweaked the pocket size to try and mirror the difficulty level across the tables/events. So it seems she/they have the opinion that a 4” rasson table = a 3.9” diamond.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
it's laughable to put kaci on the TV table and at the same time use a "TV match schedule" as they showed earlier. albin vs wilson is pushed back, filler vs raga is pushed back if they'll have time to show it at all
Yes it makes no sense at all. He does this every tournament until there is a shot clock, you would think that they would have caught on by now.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Last 32
Match of day is upcoming Filler v Raga.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
possibly, but tyler has been beating very good players for two weeks. seems to be in stroke.

Shane may not be at the top of the mountain on a global scale anymore, but he still likes to remind the other American's who their daddy is.


Gary Wilson is world number 11 in snooker.

The only thing missing from his pool game is the break.

Once he works that out, he will be a top 16 player easy.

He is giving Albin a very tough match.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Gary Wilson is world number 11 in snooker.

The only thing missing from his pool game is the break.

Once he works that out, he will be a top 16 player easy.

He is giving Albin a very tough match.

Anyone in the top 16 in snooker can make the final 4 or even win a major 9 ball tournament IF they actually dedicate themselves to perfecting the break, learning to jump, and play safe.