Maybe not new question but why woman not as good as men in certain sports?


Silver Member
I talked to Allison Fisher about this recently and I personally believe she (and other women) can beat any man on the planet. At some point I'm going to dedicate some time to prove this is true, and I'm very confident what the results will be.

Women are better martial artists than men, they need to be trained at pool as if it's a martial art, not a "sport" or a "game" as done it the past. 'The Game Will be the Teacher'

Better at martial arts... surely you jest. They would get the living daylings kicked out of them. Just like a 100 pound black belt man would get the living daylights kicked out of him by a 225 black belt in about 99% of the fights....

Now, why not ask Allison this question. I watched her being interviewed a few years ago, and she was asked this very question. And she bascially said that the men are "fearless", they take shots I would not, they think they can make every shot they take, they have the mentality of winning at all costs, not backing down, going for the run out not matter how difficult.... "most" woman don't have this "drive", and it's hard to develop it.

And that is not a bad thing. Men are very good at being aggresive and killing other men for thousands of years, it's their bread and butter :)

Does it mean anything to me that allison could maybe hang with the men, but most likley not win very often, or at all? No, she is one of my favorite all-time players. And if would make zero sense from a monetary perspective to become number 25 or lower in the mens "tour", from number one in the womens.. whose gonna make more money? You don't get to be player of the year at number 25.... she is the best woman pool player of all time imho.....

This does not seem to be a problem in golf, tennis, basketball, hockey, track, volleyball, karate, etc.etc., where there are two division,,, one for men, one for woman....

The bottom line is allison could kick arse on about 90% or more of the folks on AZB :)