need help guys


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
cheap low end cues made in china....stick with the mastercue or omin, way better quality


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
"This good cue is not only 100% hand made but also comes with a Quick Lock release, comparing with the common lock, it is easier, quicker to screw together. It can save your treasured time when you are in an important competition. The lock will be smooth and easier if you rub some butter on it, this method can also protect your lock from being rusty. "

Never heard of a rusty joint or this fix.
But I have led a life sheltered from the secrets of snooker.
Obviously something for the Premier League this year, what with its 20 second shot clock.


yea found out that its call black horse cue from china but it did come with some good review...yea i guess mastercue or omin make a better choice..china products are hard to trust


Theres a few excellent cue makers in china but this aint one. However it will as you asked in the other thread "hit" as good as any cue.


Americans ask "how does a xxx cue hit In England we'd say how does it feel but we are both asking someone to describe a cue or cues.
It's such a subjective question it's really unanswerable, one mads cup of tea is another mans poison.

The spec of a cue is everything, but even with a made to order cue few even state all the dimension they want and can easily be left with a cue they hate to play with especially when it comes to the stiffness of the shaft.

The Black Horse cues are pretty naff, almost all are made from a cheap dyed rosewood, the splices are uneven the tip sizes vary loads, the actual weight and balance point is rarely as described and the finish is a shiney laquer which soon becomes sticky. Buy a hundred anf you might find one that might when sanded and oiled properly give you the feel you want and if the spec is ideal with the shaft responsiveness ideal too you might actually adore it (as long as you dont mind the cheap woods and poor splicing). Fit a decent tip and the hit might be as good as a £1000 cue.


these cues are really awesome. thanks but what's the price?

Awesome! surely you mean aweful ?

I was quoted a couple of years ago £5 a case, £5 a cue and £4 for the extensions including shipping if you buy a hundred of each direct from the chinese factory.

Usually though they go for around £40-£50 at auction on ebay + £20 p+p