OB Cues DigiCue Pass Around Reviews


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Follow up

Well this was fun!

The digi cue is on its' way to the next AZer.

Matt, you're buddy idea worked well. Usually you may tell a team mate something like: you jumped up on that shot, or you jabbed at it or didn't follow thru, etc.

The 2 on my team had fun with this, rather than wait for a comment, upon feeling the vibration she asked "ok, now what did I do wrong?"

After practicing the same shot(s) several times, she really concentrated and got it to stop vibrating on many shots.

My team had a bye last night so I didn't get to have our 9 try it out.

Bottom line: I've spent a lot on the arrow (cues, LD shafts, tips, chalk, etc.) this is a very minimal investment on the Indian.

Would've loved to hold onto it longer but I wanted the next person to get it asap.

I've ordered one and look forward to really practicing with it.

Like any other tool or practice device; I'm sure I'll get out of it what I put into it; but this will make it more fun and interesting and provides immediate positive and/or negative reinforcement.

I can analogize it to shooting a handgun. With target practice you see the target and where your grouping may be off, or a tendency to have the holes trail off. When you dry fire the handgun, you can see immediately when you anticipated the shot and the drop of the barrel.

Thanks again to Shane for providing the digi cue and Chris for putting this in motion.

PS: I haven't used the chalk enough yet, but I also use magic chalk and cosmo chalk and it seems very similar.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just Wondering

Is this unit available yet and have any of the testers actually purchased one?


Silver Member
This is a bump.
I am also wondering where it is right now? Do it fall off the face of the earth? Seems like it should be going to a few more people yet for reviews.


Follow Through
Silver Member
I was wondering the same thing.

I believe after dvs, the DigiCue still had 4 more people to go to in this order:


I am sure slide13 (op and DigiCue pass around organizer) can confirm where it is right now. We did ship almost 3,000 DigiCues out last week so I am sure you will start seeing many more reviews on it soon.


Is this unit available yet and have any of the testers actually purchased one?

Not a tester, however I received mine a week ago (advance purchased in Vegas)
Have since seen advertisements for them from various online retailers.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I believe after dvs, the DigiCue still had 4 more people to go to in this order:


I am sure slide13 (op and DigiCue pass around organizer) can confirm where it is right now. We did ship almost 3,000 DigiCues out last week so I am sure you will start seeing many more reviews on it soon.

Digicue is with the final tester who has had some work stuff come up so I've told him to hold onto it until he gets the time to test it out in a couple weeks since nobody else is waiting on it.

I have sent one reminder to those who owe reviews but I will send another tomorrow.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

Hi guys:

I enjoyed the couple days testing it out. I got mine the other day and shot with it just a short while until last night.

I played about four hours with it last night, mainly concentrating on trying to not make it buzz. After about 2 hours I was able to consistently stroke buzz-free on level one, with exception of extreme draw shots.
? I felt as though on some draw shots when my tip impacted the cloth immediately after striking the cue ball, it would buzz with a bit of a delay; does it register a secondary impact?

I played on level 2 for over an hour and was able to stroke buzz free on shots with about a tip and a half or less; follow shots and most stop shots were not a problem; but almost every drawshot caused a buzz. Anyone else have a similar experience?

I then removed the digicue, and played about a half hour (its' like 1 am by now) and found myself concentrating more on my stroke than normal, and the results were very pleasing. I found I was more comfortable and my game had a noticeable improvement.

PS: Hello Dave M. good to hear from you.

Hopefully the other "testers" will chime in soon.

ALSO: I have been using the OB chalk, it feels very much like magic chalk and I haven't noticed any difference between them. Both go on easily, are clean and I almost never miscue with either. Only somewhat noticeable difference is that my shaft is less blue, but maybe since its a new cube I don't get much on the ferrule, hence less gets on my fingers to transfer to the shaft. I prefer both OB and magic chalk to: kamui, cosmo, blue diamond, masters, and a few others I've tried but can't remember.

Great product Shane

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My long overdue review on the OB DigiCue.

When received, the DigiCue was in the larger sleeve, I tried that on my cue, and found that it was too big. Changed it to the smaller sleeve, and it fit fairly tight, but was not hard to install. Has very soft rubber sleeve, so I expect it would not, under any circumstances, cause any damage to the finish of the cue.

I started shooting with the setting at max sensitivity. Not a good idea for me. Vibrated on every shot, even the soft, simple, center ball hits. Then changed to the least sensitive setting, then it took a harder, extreme hit for it to vibrate. So, I changed to the medium setting, which apparently is what I needed. (I had a little trouble changing the setting, but then after FOLLOWING THE DIRECTIONS, I reset it several times with no problems.)

On the medium setting, I played some games of 9 ball, to see what the DigiCue showed. Alas, it seems I need some work on my stroke delivery. Simple shots, no problem; hard stroke, spin shots, THAT shows the flaws.

I can see that with a practice routine which would allow you to replay the shots several times, the device would let you pinpoint the problem, and work on correcting errors in your delivery. I noticed that if I made a very conscious effort to deliver a good stroke, I could really minimize the error vibrations. That was encouraging, but a long period of use would probably be required to maximize the benefit.

I really appreciate the opportunity to evaluate the device, thanks to OB for making it available for this pass-around.
