A pool hustlers journey by David McCumber. Got to looking thorugh some old Billiard digests the other day and saw a review of this book in a 1996 issue by George Fels. Ordered a copy on Amazon and have been having a blast reading through it. Being a "mature" (code for oldtimer) it really does depict what the pool scene looked llike back in the late 70's and 80's. It's a great read for 9 ball, one hole and snooker fans. The stories about some of the road hustlers of the day as well as some of the tournament players like Jimmy Mataya's adventure in Reno rally rings true. I watcher Jimmy win $400 playing craps in the corner of the elevator at the Rosevelt Hotel in NY between the lobby and the sixth floo at the straight pool championships one year a while back. Highly recommend it if you haven't read it. Be prepared for some "strong" language so suggest a PG rating be observed. Anybody still play five ahead with the cash on the light? LOL all day!