Predator 1st gen ferrules???

Predator 1st gen ferrule replacement???

My question is for someone with predator 1st gen ferrule replacement experience. I have one that needs a new one because i put a tip on and now it sounds like it is loose, with no visible signs. I am wondering if there is any thing special i need to know before doing so. If i am correct the shaft end isnt hollow and it has a thin sleeve and capped ferrule, am i correct??? should i use a titan ferrule, because that would be the closest match?? need input asap. Thank you or maby i just send it in if it is to hard to do? just never done a predator yet. thinking 1st gen shouldnt be that difficult. should u cut it off or heat it up to take off?
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Thank you. thats great info. i need to know more about the original 314 1st gen. is the tip end hollow at all? a visual would be great. and what would hit about the same as original? i appreciate it!!!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Have you gotten on Predators website, I can't think of the the info right now but I think I looked it up when I was having problems with mine. I wanna say no it's not but I could be wrong. If I find out more I'll let you know.

Monto P2

Asia Billiards
Silver Member
sometimes if tips not installed properly also give that sound.Also sometimes layers of tips get delaminated,hence giving an abrupt sound.Just check properly before replacing the ferulle.

All predators are hollow including 1st and 2nd generations.The main difference is the 1st had a 8 piece construction and the newer have 10 piece construction.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I would do the tip thing first also. I pulled off a ferrule replacement on one of those hollowed out cridders, wasn't easy but the owner of the cue said it hit better than ever. I sleeved a peice of ivorine 4over the old ferrule material i machined down to before i hit wood. I don't remember what size, I'm thinking between 3/8 and 7/16 but not sure. Put 2 part epoxy up in hollow end, let it set up real well, put new ferrule and tip on and finished job up. Just a thought, I'm sure the waranty is voided now on the one I fixed but it was probably quicker and cheaper than sending it back.

i tried a lepro and it was fine. so i put new moori on and seems good. gonna give back to costumer. It had a deep scratch just under tip on the ferrule. thought it mite be a crack. i could see how far the dirt had got in and it was like .040 deep. just kept turning tell it cleaned up. may have been a bad moori or bad glue or the ferrule, when i put second tip on it it was so close to the "scratch" that it may have seeled it up. anyway sounds much better. thank you all. still interested in some replacement ferrules for them by the way.
re: augh!!!

guess what, i gave the shaft back to the owner and it was still making a rattle. we scratched our heads for like 5 or 10 mins and couldnt figure it out tell i thought about trying the shaft on another cue like i did at home and we figured out it was in the butt of his cue and just sounded like it was coming from the tip end. wow was i glad. anyway he took the cue and he is going to check the weight bolt to see if it is loose. he likes to work on his own cue as much as he can. :rolleyes:


Silver Member


hope these help





KJ Cues

Pro Cue Builder & Repair
Silver Member
Yes, I agree. Very informative for those that will swear on their Mother's grave that Predators are foam-filled. Too bad that you had to trash a shaft though.

I will add that Predator doesn't hand out their ferrules to just anybody that asks. There is a network of Predator Repair Stations located throughout the country for just this reason. Please check the Predator web-site.


Silver Member
yes, i agree. Very informative for those that will swear on their mother's grave that predators are foam-filled. Too bad that you had to trash a shaft though.

I will add that predator doesn't hand out their ferrules to just anybody that asks. There is a network of predator repair stations located throughout the country for just this reason. Please check the predator web-site.

it was so crooked that it wasn't really a big deal. I was just excited to see what was inside.

Thank you very much for the pics. I knew the ferrule was thin but not that thin. its great to have a place like this to go and get awsome answers back from u guys. I appreciate this very much. lots of people here play with Predators. well quite a few anyway