I ask because I don't know what I don't know. I searched the rules, but didn't find a ruling
When racking the 14 balls for a new rack if the break ball interferes with only the triangle but not the rack of balls:
Is the break ball marked so the balls can be racked or is the break ball considered in the rack and spotted on the head string spot?
Best practice for racking the 14 balls:
Is it better to rack the balls with a ball on the foot spot and removing the head ball to another place in the rack after making sure the rack is square or rack the 14 balls without a head ball?
When racking the 14 balls for a new rack if the break ball interferes with only the triangle but not the rack of balls:
Is the break ball marked so the balls can be racked or is the break ball considered in the rack and spotted on the head string spot?
Best practice for racking the 14 balls:
Is it better to rack the balls with a ball on the foot spot and removing the head ball to another place in the rack after making sure the rack is square or rack the 14 balls without a head ball?