Rail Process And Pocket Size


Hi All:

I wanted to ask this when you get a refelt done on your table what is the process of installing new rubber on the rails. Are the actual rails from your table taken apart or do they just put new ones on?
Also can the size of the pockets be reduced from say 5 inch to 4 1/2 during the re felt job?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I would like to know this too, along with the average price to get a table refelted and recushioned.

Club Billiards

Absolute Billiard Service
Silver Member
It depends on the model of table whether you just replace the rail or break it down and replace the rubber. For example, coin tables for individuals, I almost never just replace the rubber. It's generally cost effective to just replace the whole rail, especially with the quality of the replacement rails on the market now. Most other furniture and commercial style tables though, the rail is part of the finished table, so the rubber must be stripped off and replaced. You rails can be extended while this is done to tighten the pockets. As a matter of fact, the rubber will likely need replaced to fit your now longer rails anyway, so this would be the perfect time to have everything done at the same time.

Cost for these services can vary widely depending on your table model, what type of rubber and cloth you want to use, the mechanic doing the work, and your area. If you let us know where you are located, maybe one of the guys in your area will speak up or we can refer you to someone reputable in your area.

I hope this helps!



I would get Simonis 860 Blue Green and new rubber on the rails. As far as the pockets if they could be made 4 1/2 and it was not a big deal I would do it. If making the pockets smaller compromises my table or makes it more difficult for the mechanic I would just keep them as is. I was quoted a price sometime ago around 525.00 for Simonis, 275 for the rails not complaining I know these things must be done right and it's a big job. My table is a 7 footer 3 piece slate Oak nice table made by Showood called the Yale.

Club Billiards

Absolute Billiard Service
Silver Member

I would get Simonis 860 Blue Green and new rubber on the rails. As far as the pockets if they could be made 4 1/2 and it was not a big deal I would do it. If making the pockets smaller compromises my table or makes it more difficult for the mechanic I would just keep them as is. I was quoted a price sometime ago around 525.00 for Simonis, 275 for the rails not complaining I know these things must be done right and it's a big job. My table is a 7 footer 3 piece slate Oak nice table made by Showood called the Yale.

Where are you located?