Ray Martin Bushka, tribute cue


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I am building Ray a cue now similar to a Szamboti he used to own. I would consider building the cue for you. Could even ask Ray about the the Bushka for any insight.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Tom......I Would Not Steer You Wrong


Do your self a favor and speak with Jerry Rauenzahn. He's amazing to work with on a cue build. Let me share my recent experience.

Jerry is making me a Bushka cue along with the other 7-8 group buyers. I gave him a photo of Kevin Lindstrom's TS Bushka cue to reproduce. Well, the two uf us tinkered with the design and changed the rings, etc. and in the course of the build, it became apparent that my target cue weight wouldn't be achieved following this design.

So here I was 2 weeks ago and the design I wanted and had been looking forward to getting wasn't going to happen unless I wanted to get a cue heavier than I asked for......there really was a lot of thick 3mm rings. And I wasn't sure which way to turn and then Jerry went out of his way to work with me on an alternative design.That lifted my spirits about the cue and we bounced some different ideas around but we never nailed down a final design. My cue is well along in being completed and so I was uncertain about what to tell Jerry to use as a design.

Jerry could sense my frustration and so he took the bull by the horns......he starts sending me alternative designs of cues without rings and I'm mulling over these photos trying to decide if one of them would be what I wanted. A couple of days go by and Jerry sends me a photo of one of Willie Mosconi's Balabushka cues.....it was one I had never seen before.....and believe me when I write that I look for Bushka type designs all the time because it's my favorite style. Well, the design he sent me rocked me.....it's a dandy and it's one he's never made before so it's a fun project as much for Jerry as for myself.

Jerry really does very exact work and can reproduce the design you have in mind with amazing accuracy. My cue will be finished by end of March and when you see how it turns out, I'm sure you'll like at, especially with the design you have in mind. And this new design literally resulted from trying to salvage what I originally specified....I think Jerry literally walks on water. He could have sat on the sidelines and told me to get back to him when I figured out what I wanted to do. Nope, he put my cue issues at the forefront of his "things to get done" list, made sure we arrived at a design I would be pleased with and worked very hard at helping me reach a decision. He went out of his way to work with me on figuring out what would make me happy and that really meant a great deal to me........my cue design really matters to him as much as it does me.

So I strongly encourage you to speak with Jerry about the cue design you have in mind. If you haven't made a decision by the time my cue is finished, I think you'll be favorably impressed with his workmanship when you see what he makes me.

Matt B.
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Runde Aficianado
Silver Member
I was gonna see who else got recommended because my time frame is a little while out. I have something else going on right now, but I was gonna PM you about Jerry. I was surprised you didn't hit me up for some Kamui tips to send to him. THx, Tom


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Funny That You Asked.....

It's ironically funny that you brought up the Kamui Tips.....after I spoke with Jerry letting him know to make the design he sent me a photo of, I reminded him that the tips are Kamui Clear Black (Soft). I also let him know after searching for 18 months, I finally located the Cortland Linen #12 that I wanted for my cue and so don't use any #9.

Jerry told me the Cortland #12 that he received is in great condition and should make a wonderful wrap for this new cue design. I asked if he needed me to supply the tips and he said he has that covered. Two weeks ago, I ordered two new shafts from Ed Prewitt and I also asked him to install Kamui Clear Black (Soft) tips on the shafts. The Prewitt cue I gave myself as a Xmas present came with original Moori tips and I've forgotten how wonderful that tip is......and impossible to find. However, I must state the Kamui Clear Black Series is the best alternative available.......I do recommend going down one level in hardness too.......I was previously playing tips with a medium hardness and the Kamui Clear Black in soft hardness if the best combination.....IMO.

Matt B.

p.s. I also tell everyone on the Forum that you're the "Go To Guy" for Kamui products.
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Runde Aficianado
Silver Member
Bavafongoul, Much appreciated. I have that new wildly popular chalk now also, 100 plus boxes, and I'm not talking Kamui and I also have some Kamui that I would like to move. THx, Tom

phil dade

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Matt's recomendation of Jerry R is great. I would add that Pete Tascarella is the "expert" on Balabuska's, bought his equipment and inventory of parts and blanks. He still has stuff. Skins posted a photo of a Bushka tribute Mosconi cue recently. Originally , World Pro posted the same cue with a short story. Pete makes outstanding cues. I was told the samething that Joe said about the gold rings....noone has been able to source them for some time.

Either way with Jerry or Pete you will be pleased....I can can vouch for Pete's playability and Matt for Jerry.

Good Luck,


Runde Aficianado
Silver Member
I don't know for a fact but I'm guessing Pete has quite a long wait and may be out of my price range. I have spoke to Jerry before about another project and tend to think his pricing for his level of skill may be a better option for me. Thoughts

West Point 1987

On the Hill, Out of Gas
Silver Member
I don't know for a fact but I'm guessing Pete has quite a long wait and may be out of my price range. I have spoke to Jerry before about another project and tend to think his pricing for his level of skill may be a better option for me. Thoughts

$ for $ for the quality old school build, Jerry can't be beat. His customer service is a bonus. I can't put my -R- down, best hitting cue I've ever tried (and I've hit with a lot over the years). And his cues are truly beautiful.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
After Jerry Finishes The Last Bushka

I am going to start a thread in a few months and it will ask all the other Bushka Project participants to post photos of their Bushka Tribute cue Jerry made. I think there's going to be around 9- 10 cues in total and it would be impressive to view photos of all these cues. How about the idea of a doing a poll on who has the "Best of the Bushkas" that Jerry is making for us?

As far as I'm concerned, the Bushka design is the best all around design for a pool cue and post all the fancy cues you might prefer to see nominated for Cue of the Year but I'll always pick a classy Bushka design as one of the top contenders for my choice as the winning cue. And Jerry is doing an outstanding job making some fabulous Bushka designs....and the cues are getting completed under a year and the price is a bargain for the quality of workmanship.....I rest my case.

Matt B.

West Point 1987

On the Hill, Out of Gas
Silver Member
I love old school cues in general, Bushkas in particular...but I'm a sucker for full splice cues which is why I had Jerry build me a Brunswick 26 1/2 trophy cue tribute...but I am drooling over these Bushkas he's making!
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Classic Cue Lover
Silver Member
I don't know for a fact but I'm guessing Pete has quite a long wait and may be out of my price range. I have spoke to Jerry before about another project and tend to think his pricing for his level of skill may be a better option for me. Thoughts

Having had a cue from all mentioned here. Pete Tascarella and Steve Klein would be my absolute top choices for any kind of Balabushka style cue.

And as classiccues also pointed out, good luck finding the metallic foil material, it will be your biggest obstacle.


Runde Aficianado
Silver Member
Any new recommendations for the desired tribute cue build? It’s going on ten years, where does it go?