Signing Up at Tourney??


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hey all.

I am leaving from SD on Tues. morning and for the past two months people have told me that I can sign up at the tournament without a problem. I thought alright, that way if something comes up I am not out the moeny. But now I am hearing that they are not allowing this??? Have they met their 500 players already? If someone down there would be willing to help find out for me I would appreciate and I will buy you a couple drinks when I arrive.

Thank You


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just call them

Pugh said:
Hey all.

I am leaving from SD on Tues. morning and for the past two months people have told me that I can sign up at the tournament without a problem. I thought alright, that way if something comes up I am not out the moeny. But now I am hearing that they are not allowing this??? Have they met their 500 players already? If someone down there would be willing to help find out for me I would appreciate and I will buy you a couple drinks when I arrive.

Thank You

Why don't you just call their office? I would not be surprised if they have reached the 500 limit but they might have a waiting list that you can only sign up while there. You could have signed up early and never had been out any money. They are very good about refunding money if you cannot make the tournament. I would say you are pretty much out of luck however. Since they take signups every day in person for an extra 25 bucks they may not have hit 500 yet but they might by the time you arrive. You might ask when you call if someone can sign up for you and pay the money.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I email them a few weeks ago and they said it wouldnt be a problem, but I have talked to people recently on the phone and said it is not possible now. I searched their webiste and can not find a phone number. If someone at the tourney could find out for me, as there are others in this situation also, I will buy a couple drinks or whatever it takes. If not I guess thats an extra couple hundred for the ring games.:)

Thank in advance


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Come on man

Pugh said:
I email them a few weeks ago and they said it wouldnt be a problem, but I have talked to people recently on the phone and said it is not possible now. I searched their webiste and can not find a phone number. If someone at the tourney could find out for me, as there are others in this situation also, I will buy a couple drinks or whatever it takes. If not I guess thats an extra couple hundred for the ring games.:)

Thank in advance
It is not that hard, just call the hotel and ask for the tournament registration room. They have tons of people working in there that can answer all your questions.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I counted up the bank pool entries on the first round brackets and there are about 800 players. So I guess that 500 player limit went out the window, at least in the bank pool event.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You better count again

iusedtoberich said:
I counted up the bank pool entries on the first round brackets and there are about 800 players. So I guess that 500 player limit went out the window, at least in the bank pool event.

I get about 466 or 470. 800 would be undobable in the time span.
I think I just heard Scott Smith announce 470 on the p.a. system


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
For anyone else that is intereseted. I just got off the phone with someone from the dcc(after trying for 4 hours) and they said there will be no problem signing up at the tourney as long as it is done my 10 pm tuesday night. There are currently only 307 entries in the 9-ball and they are taking the full 500.