Slip Stic Product ??????


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Blackjack said:
The last time I spoke to Pete was in February of 2007. He wanted to send me some Simonis cloth for the pool room treated with one of his new products. I moved back to Florida in May of 2007, and I have tried to call him several times and my calls were never returned. I haven't heard anything from him. I have his number laying around here somewhere, I'll try again.

EDITED - last number I had for him is no longer in service.

pete is a good friend of mine and i will just say this about him. i know he lost his computer business and had very bad family problems. he took his son and moved to another city i will not name. he is liveing with a relative and staying out of site.
i am not condoning him ripping people off, i dont think he ment too.i dont know what he is doing for work or money but i still wish him the best.he flipped me a $100 bill a few times i went bust and never mentioned it. but i am sorry some people got burnt, that just doesnt seem like something he would do, but i know he was desperate for a while before he left rochester.


Illuminati Blacksmack
Silver Member
poolshark52 said:
pete is a good friend of mine and i will just say this about him. i know he lost his computer business and had very bad family problems. he took his son and moved to another city i will not name. he is liveing with a relative and staying out of site.
i am not condoning him ripping people off, i dont think he ment too.i dont know what he is doing for work or money but i still wish him the best.he flipped me a $100 bill a few times i went bust and never mentioned it. but i am sorry some people got burnt, that just doesnt seem like something he would do, but i know he was desperate for a while before he left rochester.

I share your sentiments as well, Pat.

I still consider Pete a very good friend of mine, and I will say this - if anybody was "ripped off", I am POSITIVELY SURE that it was NOT Pete's intention to do so.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I had great business transactions with him. I really like the product and am sorry to hear of peoples problems with him. Somtimes things get overwhelming quickly and good people get buried even though initially their intentions were pure. Hope things get better for him and no one here had food taken off their plate. According to that corny old saying "S___ Happens."


AzB Platinum Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Blackjack said:
I share your sentiments as well, Pat.

I still consider Pete a very good friend of mine, and I will say this - if anybody was "ripped off", I am POSITIVELY SURE that it was NOT Pete's intention to do so.

I guess that you did not like my terminology. To me "ripped off" is when somebody takes my money, makes excuses, then makes new promises, but still does not follow through. Pete may be a great guy, I don't know him. All I can do is go by what I know and the experence that I had. I hope him the best with any problems that he might have; we all go through bad times, hopefully it will get better. Maybe he's keeping track and will someday make it right with people that were "ripped off" accidently.


<< 2 all-time greats
Silver Member
Bastian said:
Do a forum search.. he STILL owes me $32 and I never got the product. I did end up buying it from someone else, used it once, then never touched it again.. like so many other billiard toys, they end up in the drawer and never touched again. Piece of leather, skuffer, 2000 grit, and clean hands have withstood the test of time for me lol.

Try clean-x too. Yes, the window treatment product.

Da Poet

Pool is Cool
Silver Member
catscradle said:
I never liked the product, but fwiw to you Seybert's still has it listed.

I just ordered and recieved another kit from the place linked above no problem. Should be good for an extra year maybe two. Probably bowling alley wax after that. lol

Seriously though, it's really too bad to hear about the problems with the company and it's customers. What I like about the product is that the cue stays smooth for a long time, maybe a month or two and when it does start to wear off it it wears off gradually. Not an all of a sudden thing in the middle of a match like some other things I've tried.


I just got SlipStic conditioner today.

Maaaan, this stuff is good ;) way better than Cue Silk or carnauba wax that i have been using until this.
