Stats -- Dennis Orcollo vs. Tony Chohan One-Pocket, September 2019


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I also agree with Dean Tony would beat him with a shot clock to boring watching Dennis shoot.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Generally, as has already been said, you want to shoot towards the pocket you can shoot at easiest. That means a right hander breaks on the left side of the table and a left hander on the right side so the break and remainder of the shots are easiest to reach. However, there is another thought.

I saw stat's somewhere that 17-20% of people are left handed. These people break from the right side of the table usually. Right handers break from the left side of the table giving these lefties the best pocket for them too. Almost all of the time a lefty is going to be shooting at the pocket on the left side of the table. About the only time he isn't is when he is playing another left hander, then on the other person's break he may be shooting at the right side pocket. So maybe one time in ten a lefty is playing a lefty and is shooting in the right side pocket half the time. Occasionally a right handed shooter will swap off his break for some reason but the vast majority of the time they don't.

Purely because I know that I play other right handed shooters most of the time so I do shoot at the left pocket fairly often while a left handed shooter almost never shoots at the right hand pocket, I make them shoot at the right hand pocket sometimes. It may throw them a little off balance and make them have to think more instead of relax and shoot. If nothing else, it makes them wonder why I swapped sides. Always helped playing chess if I could keep the other player off balance and one-pocket is the chess game of the pool world.



good stuff..thanks again AL and Hu


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
10 ahead and I believe it was 24-14 at one point.

That would've been a pretty fast 10 ahead set.