The "arc of the light" aiming system


all the players that never miss a ball use this system. try it, you'll see.... if you're doing it right.


Silver Member
recoveryjones said:
Has anyone ever used the reflection of the over head lights for a method of aiming.One local referred to it as "the arc of the light",however, I don't know if thats what it should be called.

On the object ball there will be a reflection of the lights above.If the pool halls has 3 lights you will see three, if it has four lights you will see four in an semi circuliar arc.
For a right hand cut:

Ignore those 3 or 4 light reflections and look for a very tiny light reflection to the right of those on the object ball.If the cut is a slight one (say 15 degrees) that tiny little light(but noticable) will appear somewhere halfway between center ball and right side edge like 3/4 ball hit.If it's a 30 degree cut , the little light reflection will appear right near the extreme right edge of the object ball.All you do is aim the center of your cue tip at that little tiny light reflection and in she goes.

I know an A+ local player who swears of the accuracy of this aiming system and uses it almost exclusivley. He says "The lights don't lie."I've only briefly experimented with this method of aiming and experienced some success.He claims it's great especially for long shots. It's supposed to be an old aiming system/secret used by many,particualirly snooker players.

Anyone know if I explained this properly or has/does anyone use it?

so... in a perfect world... with all the tables placed precisely and all the lights hung precisely in the exact center of each table.. and all the lights are the same style and size. then maybe your theory might be worth consideration...

but in the real world its hogwash... sad but true


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If you want to learn the light system talk to Ron Vitello. His book is filled with drills that use the light and the edge of the ball with several spot between them. If you want to learn SAM take a lesson from Scott Lee. They two systems are similar. Ron's system uses a few more aiming points. Ron's book is not available in any store. You have to get it from him if he still sells it. If you can get to NYC spend some time with Ron. He's a nice guy and full of knowledge about aiming, banking and kicking. It doesn't take long to learn the SAM system. If you take a lesson from Scott he not only will teach it to you, but he does a great job of smoothing out you stroke. He is an outstanding teacher.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The "arc of the lights", now thats a great name of it, has a modern techno sound to it. This aiming systems has been around for many, many years and most players that know it called it "shooting the shine". I'll sometimes still use it when I have lost the feel for the long cut shots and that usually gets me back in stroke for these shots.


Ret Professional Goof Off
Silver Member
Someone asked my how I aimed at a ball. I told him that I use the ghostball method was showing him how by aiming my cue at the point of contact to show where the OB had to be hit and where the CB had to be. A drunk passing by said you must be showing him the method of shooting at the lights. I used to use that and nobody could beat me but haven't played in a while so I am not very good at it. I just shook my head and said yeah.

I then continued with my demonstration and said that doesn't make any sense. It it was such a easy surfired method than why can't he still shoot as good as he did.

I have had many players tell me how great they used to be by shooting at the lights. I guess that the new type of lights have changed everything because I don't see any of them shooting lights out.