The struggle is real

George the Greek

Well-known member
I only hit a few balls every day slowly trying to play again after 20+ years of not playing. My wife came down to watch and first thing she said I wasn't getting down on the cue like I used to. I said I need to video me so I can see myself so she'll set up her tablet for me. I immediately went to one handed aiming and got low on the cue and balls were going in like they used to. After a few minutes I added the bridge hand and made some shots that I hit good and it felt good. I'm not rushing it and starting back isn't an overnight thing and hopefully I'll get into some form.

George the Greek

Well-known member
filming yourself is a great way to find out where and why you make your mistakes. i say film every time you play and watch it back when you are done. you’ll notice things that you otherwise cannot while playing
A friend did a video on a camcorder many years ago and after watching it over and over I realized how lazy/sloppy I had gotten. I quickly straightened that out.


Well-known member
I’ve been back from hiatus and it’s hard. I got worst. I can run racks and but I tend to get lazy because I see every shot. I lose concentration and will miss.

I’m the true definition of can’t teach old digs new tricks.

My form and stance is off but I’ve played so long that I can basically make a shot standing on one foot. We know that’s not sustainable so I am sure my fundamentals are off.

I can play with bad mechanics but u think it hurts my game if I’m not on early in a tournament.


Well-known member
I only hit a few balls every day slowly trying to play again after 20+ years of not playing. My wife came down to watch and first thing she said I wasn't getting down on the cue like I used to. I said I need to video me so I can see myself so she'll set up her tablet for me. I immediately went to one handed aiming and got low on the cue and balls were going in like they used to. After a few minutes I added the bridge hand and made some shots that I hit good and it felt good. I'm not rushing it and starting back isn't an overnight thing and hopefully I'll get into some form.
I took a long break and then started again about 5 years ago. I quickly saw that I was not as good as I had been, and seemed to hit a plateau quickly and was not improving no matter how much time I put in at the table.

Finally arranged private lessons from a pro (Jerry Briesath in my case). Jerry pointed out numerous flaws in my routine, stance and stroke.

Long story short, my game was not going to improve until I abandoned everything I'd been doing for 50 years and started over. It took a couple of years, and another session with Jerry, but my game finally started to improve about a year ago, and has steadily improved to the point where I'm shooting the best pool of my life at age 76.

Right now I still need to concentrate on my PSR and stroke or I fall back into old habits. I hope to get everything Jerry taught me built into 'muscle memory'. But until then, my limitation is concentration.

Hope this helps.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
A friend did a video on a camcorder many years ago and after watching it over and over I realized how lazy/sloppy I had gotten. I quickly straightened that out.

I don't play "all that" well when I am completely mechanical not when I am loosey goosey.
Yet, over several months, I oscillate between the two extremes.
I can almost predict when I will/won't be playing well.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I’ve been back from hiatus and it’s hard. I got worst. I can run racks and but I tend to get lazy because I see every shot. I lose concentration and will miss.

I’m the true definition of can’t teach old digs new tricks.

My form and stance is off but I’ve played so long that I can basically make a shot standing on one foot. We know that’s not sustainable so I am sure my fundamentals are off.

I can play with bad mechanics but u think it hurts my game if I’m not on early in a tournament.
Yeah my problem is staying focused as I get older. If I can keep my concentration I’m fine but it’s getting harder to do


Silver Member
Still not sold on video feedback. Alignment, mechanics, etc... I can get from a mirror. I have video of the mythical Straightline in reasonable form and all I come away with is how dorky I am between shots.


Silver Member
Still not sold on video feedback. Alignment, mechanics, etc... I can get from a mirror. I have video of the mythical Straightline in reasonable form and all I come away with is how dorky I am between shots.
I was in a slump a while back, seemed like I couldn't win a game for the life of me. Finally a teammate told me I was moving my head, I focused on being a statue and things turned around. Video probably would have had me figure this out much sooner, its not like I was standing up mid-stroke but I picked up a habit of lifting my head an inch or so on my final stroke.

Craig N

New member
I only hit a few balls every day slowly trying to play again after 20+ years of not playing. My wife came down to watch and first thing she said I wasn't getting down on the cue like I used to. I said I need to video me so I can see myself so she'll set up her tablet for me. I immediately went to one handed aiming and got low on the cue and balls were going in like they used to. After a few minutes I added the bridge hand and made some shots that I hit good and it felt good. I'm not rushing it and starting back isn't an overnight thing and hopefully I'll get into some form.
Practice, Practice, Practice…just what you wanted to hear, right!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Today was a little better than yesterday. A little at a time!

I quit playing one time for several years and when I started back to playing I set a goal for one year to get back to where I was before I quit. It only took me about 8 months to accomplish my goal. What I’m saying is if it’s been a long time since you played regularly it’s going to take some time. The knowledge is still but it going to take a while for the execution to catch up. Just be patient and keep plugging along and it will happen.


Active member
Still not sold on video feedback. Alignment, mechanics, etc... I can get from a mirror. I have video of the mythical Straightline in reasonable form and all I come away with is how dorky I am between shots.
I was having issues with just plain basic shots and couldn't figure it out. Doing fine then suddenly my shot would go wildly errant. I finally went to video so I could watch myself. Sure enough I found a flaw in eye alignment. It was not every shot though. Sometimes my eyes were just way off. I couldn't detect it because, well, just because. I added a step to my preshot routine and all is well. For now anyways.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I only hit a few balls every day slowly trying to play again after 20+ years of not playing. My wife came down to watch and first thing she said I wasn't getting down on the cue like I used to. I said I need to video me so I can see myself so she'll set up her tablet for me. I immediately went to one handed aiming and got low on the cue and balls were going in like they used to. After a few minutes I added the bridge hand and made some shots that I hit good and it felt good. I'm not rushing it and starting back isn't an overnight thing and hopefully I'll get into some form.

I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.

Regretably, not everyone can learn from seeing even the most egregious flaws videoed. There is a player at my home room with a stoke motion that will make your eyes water. The other day I snuck up on him and videoed him from behind. I showed him the video and as you would expect he said: wow, didn't know I was going that. I explained to him what he should be doing and that lasted about 15 minutes and then he was back to his old ways. A few days later he thanked me and said he was now playing better and I told him not to lie to me. I videoed him again, same ol' same ol', and he didn't know what to say.

So now I leave him alone and he's back to pounding balls into the rubber... but he seems happy.

Lou Figueroa
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Silver Member
I was having issues with just plain basic shots and couldn't figure it out. Doing fine then suddenly my shot would go wildly errant. I finally went to video so I could watch myself. Sure enough I found a flaw in eye alignment. It was not every shot though. Sometimes my eyes were just way off. I couldn't detect it because, well, just because. I added a step to my preshot routine and all is well. For now anyways.
Good that you have benefited from video feedback. I have mixed and matched many things in my preshot - refined the soup according to what the balls do.