THEY STOLE MY POOL BAG! - New cue suggestions?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'd recommend Players Pure X series, or McDermott with G-Series with G--Force LD shaft. Both have lifetime guarantees. Like another person said, another option is to buy a cheaper butt and match it with a Predator LD shaft since you like how they play. Last option, buy a used Predator/Shaft or Schon, Mezz, Jacoby, OB, etc.. You should be able to stay under $400 for any of these options.


New member
Thanks for the great response I've received from everyone in this thread! Everyone's suggestions were very helpful and I looked at every single option suggested, even checking out In the end, I wound up going with the Pure X HXT-SN with the skinny HXT shaft. seen here:

Super cheap and fits pretty much every one of my requests. No wrap, LD shaft with pro taper, 11.75mm tip, 1/2" ferrule and $127 shipped! It even looks a bit like the SP6ON. There is also a Balance Rite butt extension available that works with these cues:

This was the most common suggestion in this thread and as Cornerman stated, "For you and your specific situation? Whatever the Players low Squirt shaft is. Pure X HXT?", this is probably the setup that matches what I was asking for the best. I actually remember looking into the HXT shaft at one point, for a Meucci butt that I used to have. I loved the butt, however hated the dampening feel of the red and black dot shafts. No feedback whatsoever. I love that "tink" sound and feeling that I got drawing the cueball with my Z2. Actually, it felt even better when I used the Z2 shaft with the SPW 2k SP that was in that case than the Roadline SP6ON that I used as my daily driver.

In the end, I decided that I'm going to grab this and shoot with it for a bit, then start slowly shopping to recollect almost identically what I had before. After that, I'll be able to keep the HXT in a separate case so the next time I leave my car unlocked, I will still have something to shoot with the next day.

To answer the questions regarding my key fob, insurance and trying to get my stuff back:

Key Fob: It's on the list, ASAP. Not simple, as it's not just a battery or something like that. It's a BMW key and the transponder failed in it. I have to order another at the dealer and have it coded to the car ($300+) or use a service online where I send my computer in the car to them and have them do the same, but my car will be down for a week ($150).

Insurance: I sold my house back in July before moving to the Phoenix area in February. I had no home owners insurance and was still intending to get renters insurance. I actually called and got that on Monday, after this situation, but unfortunately I didn't have it at the time.

Police Report: I filed one immediately. They actually went way above and beyond what I've ever seen for a theft before. They came out and spent 4 hours going over everything, even calling in a forensics van that fingerprinted all over my car. They got prints that weren't mine, and nobody else should have touched that area of the car since I washed it a few days ago, but they have not called me back so I'm assuming that led nowhere. Either the guy had no record, or they visited him, but didn't recover my stuff and aren't going to tell me about it to ensure that I don't go vigilante, which I would...

Pawn Shops and Craigslist: I've been watching CL, OfferUp, LetGo, FB Marketplace and eBay several times a day looking for my cues to show up. So far, no luck. The day after the theft, I went around to all the area Pawn Shops. There are nearly 20 of them within a 10 mile radius of my place, lol. Nobody had it on their shelves yet. I tried to appear as a customer, since I'm sure that if they just paid for it, they would rather not give it back to me.

Also go to all the pawn shops and check their, you got to ask the people their working if any body pawn any cues lately,
cause these dam thief's pawn instead of selling the items. Cause it takes 3 months or more before the pawn shop can
sell the item and by then most people have moved on.
Is this how they work everywhere? Have I been wasting my time going around checking the pawn shops so far, acting as a customer? If they won't put it on the shelf for 3 months, I wasted an entire afternoon.

Spytec makes a small GPS tracker that will fit in your case.....
Great idea! I'm going to look into this for several things. I haven't checked yet, but if they are affordable, I have a handful of things that I might stick one in.

Thanks again for all the suggestions and great information!
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thanks for the great response I've received from everyone in this thread! Everyone's suggestions were very helpful and I looked at every single option suggested, even checking out In the end, I wound up going with the Pure X HXT-SN with the skinny HXT shaft. seen here:

Super cheap and fits pretty much every one of my requests. No wrap, LD shaft with pro taper, 11.75mm tip, 1/2" ferrule and $127 shipped! It even looks a bit like the SP6ON. There is also a Balance Rite butt extension available that works with these cues:

This was the most common suggestion in this thread and as Cornerman stated, "For you and your specific situation? Whatever the Players low Squirt shaft is. Pure X HXT?", this is probably the setup that matches what I was asking for the best. I actually remember looking into the HXT shaft at one point, for a Meucci butt that I used to have. I loved the butt, however hated the dampening feel of the red and black dot shafts. No feedback whatsoever. I love that "tink" sound and feeling that I got drawing the cueball with my Z2. Actually, it felt even better when I used the Z2 shaft with the SPW 2k SP that was in that case than the Roadline SP6ON that I used as my daily driver.

In the end, I decided that I'm going to grab this and shoot with it for a bit, then start slowly shopping to recollect almost identically what I had before. After that, I'll be able to keep the HXT in a separate case so the next time I leave my car unlocked, I will still have something to shoot with the next day.

To answer the questions regarding my key fob, insurance and trying to get my stuff back:

Key Fob: It's on the list, ASAP. Not simple, as it's not just a battery or something like that. It's a BMW key and the transponder failed in it. I have to order another at the dealer and have it coded to the car ($300+) or use a service online where I send my computer in the car to them and have them do the same, but my car will be down for a week ($150).

Insurance: I sold my house back in July before moving to the Phoenix area in February. I had no home owners insurance and was still intending to get renters insurance. I actually called and got that on Monday, after this situation, but unfortunately I didn't have it at the time.

Police Report: I filed one immediately. They actually went way above and beyond what I've ever seen for a theft before. They came out and spent 4 hours going over everything, even calling in a forensics van that fingerprinted all over my car. They got prints that weren't mine, and nobody else should have touched that area of the car since I washed it a few days ago, but they have not called me back so I'm assuming that led nowhere. Either the guy had no record, or they visited him, but didn't recover my stuff and aren't going to tell me about it to ensure that I don't go vigilante, which I would...

Pawn Shops and Craigslist: I've been watching CL, OfferUp, LetGo, FB Marketplace and eBay several times a day looking for my cues to show up. So far, no luck. The day after the theft, I went around to all the area Pawn Shops. There are nearly 20 of them within a 10 mile radius of my place, lol. Nobody had it on their shelves yet. I tried to appear as a customer, since I'm sure that if they just paid for it, they would rather not give it back to me.

Is this how they work everywhere? Have I been wasting my time going around checking the pawn shops so far, acting as a customer? If they won't put it on the shelf for 3 months, I wasted an entire afternoon.

Great idea! I'm going to look into this for several things. I haven't checked yet, but if they are affordable, I have a handful of things that I might stick one in.

Thanks again for all the suggestions and great information!

There’s a private FB group called “Arizona pool players”. It has thousands of members. Don’t do what everyone else does and accidentally join the public one of the same name. You’re may have to be invited. Send me a PM with your name and I’ll add you. If you post pics on there everyone will help you find it.


New member
Check with you neighbors and see if anyone has security cameras.
They didn't. The cop and I went up and down the block looking. We were both surprised to see that nobody had one, in a neighborhood like this. There was one house that had one, pointed toward the sidewalk too, but asking led to the discovery that it is non-functional. :(

There’s a private FB group called “Arizona pool players”. It has thousands of members. Don’t do what everyone else does and accidentally join the public one of the same name. You’re may have to be invited. Send me a PM with your name and I’ll add you. If you post pics on there everyone will help you find it.
Awesome! I'll shoot you a PM right now. I don't have any pictures of the equipment, unfortunately, but I can get stock pictures of everything to post. This is a great idea.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This time around, I thought I might try some less expensive gear. I can think of several pros that run Cuetec and the story about Efren shooting with his $15 cue comes to mind. I'm not looking to shoot with something quite so low end as a $15 broomstick handle, but I am considering a lesser brand than Predator that still offers a low deflection shaft with a pro taper, 11.75mm (or smaller) tip and short ferrule.

Go for a Cuetec R360, they also do 11,5mm shafts now!
It looks nice (CER and CEV wood series) and definately does the job for ~190$ , has a nice, solid feel and quite good LD properties too. You might even land in Z2 territory.
Change the tip to something softer (Standard is Tiger Everest).

Players HXT should also be fine, they do 11,75mm shafts. Quality not up the alley of Cuetec, though.

Then you can see how to get your stuff back and expand from that.

Cheers, good luck, a lot of fun!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Buy a z shaft like you are used to and a cheapie sneaky to use it on...
The important part is the same
Buy something you like. Where you don't have to rationalize liking it.

Don't buy something you THINK you might like and then eventually realize you should have spent a few more dollars on something you actually like.

If you like predator, spend the coin.