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  • Hello! And Dave says to tell you hello also, he has yet to create a profile on az :) It was great meeting you at the expo and hanging with you. We missed you the last day - we ended up staying late Sunday nite and watching John and Charlie play the final straight pool match. Dave also said to tell you that you need to come to the Maryland Straight Pool Championship this year and hang with us (June 19-20). Could be lots of fun! :) Chat with you later! Linda
    ewwww steve stealing my message to Eric!!! lol

    thanks for everything hun ill be your rack ***** anytime!! lol
    Hey Eric,

    I Facebooked your Mom !!!!

    Thanks for everything at the expo, you really made the event alot of fun and made it alot easier to handle !!!

    Thanks for the rep easy.... And I agree with your comment... :grin: ....... hope all is going well for you.........
    im in fort huchuca. play in tucson every weekend. if you want action you can play me or others that I know.
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