Things to think about...

Bob Callahan

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Pool is simple: Make every easy shot. Make every shot easy.

You learn more from the ones you miss than the ones you make.

When in doubt, play a safety.

Money/games/tournaments you lose are more instructive than when you win.

Deflection/squirt isn't important if you pocket balls, and get shape using the vertical center line and speed control.

No one knows the best cue for you. Pick one you like and and get to know it.

"Draw for show. Follow for dough."

You alone are responsible for your failures. "Bad rolls", "Dirty table", "Bad rails", etc are just excuses.

You are only as good as your next shot.

The break and money ball are the most important shots, but don't neglect the "key ball". The last shot before the money ball is more important than the rest because there is no chance to adjust.

The more you think about missing, the more likely you are to miss.

Feel free to add to this list.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If you freeze up deciding whether to play safe or go for the shot, you will end up failing at both, with a miss and terrible safety. Pick one and commit.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
make balls and you can beat anyone
miss balls and anyone can beat you


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Not according to Hank

I'm hearing that Hanks may close.
The property that the room is on along with a Chinese restaurant and auto repair shop are on a very desirable corner.
I hear that its for sale or that its already sold and the buildings will be knocked down.
Hanks has been a pool room under several names since the '60s and it looks it.
I doubt that Hank will reopen somewhere else. He is in his mid 70s and not in the best of health.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Pool is simple: Make every easy shot. Make every shot easy.

You learn more from the ones you miss than the ones you make.

When in doubt, play a safety.

Money/games/tournaments you lose are more instructive than when you win.

Deflection/squirt isn't important if you pocket balls, and get shape using the vertical center line and speed control.

No one knows the best cue for you. Pick one you like and and get to know it.

"Draw for show. Follow for dough."

You alone are responsible for your failures. "Bad rolls", "Dirty table", "Bad rails", etc are just excuses.

You are only as good as your next shot.

The break and money ball are the most important shots, but don't neglect the "key ball".
The last shot before the money ball is more important than the rest because there is no chance to adjust.

The more you think about missing, the more likely you are to miss.

Feel free to add to this list.

I like your maxims.
I agree with them all except the ones in RED. Good job.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Nobody gives a crap about the games you won or lost last week