Trudeau is doing it right!!!


Destroyer of stickers
Silver Member
He has started off beautifully. KT has brought one thing to pool that no one else has ever bothered to do. Coverage. Not after the fact coverage, but a way to get excited about a tournament even if you aren't front and center. Live scoring? GENIUS!!!
People have always wanted pool to be taken seriously. Now that the promoter is taking it seriously, maybe everyone else will. All othe promoters should take note. KT is gonna corner the market on the sport of pool if the others don't get it together.


Destroyer of stickers
Silver Member
Ok.......Play was to start at noon. It's now 10 after, and they already have the brackets posted for the first round.

IPT rocks!

Icon of Sin

I can't fold, I need gold. I re-up and reload...
Silver Member
Yeah, the IPT is kicking ass and doing great service for pool players. I love how the site keeps us updated live. Cant wait to see who advances in the first round.


son of 3 leg 1 eye dog ..
Silver Member
Great players ...

are playing in this. Danny Harriman and Hemmah 1st round
match would be great to see. Other great matchups coming.


Silver Member
BazookaJoe said:
He has started off beautifully. KT has brought one thing to pool that no one else has ever bothered to do. Coverage. Not after the fact coverage, but a way to get excited about a tournament even if you aren't front and center. Live scoring? GENIUS!!!
People have always wanted pool to be taken seriously. Now that the promoter is taking it seriously, maybe everyone else will. All othe promoters should take note. KT is gonna corner the market on the sport of pool if the others don't get it together.

The IPT is a first class organization. They have a least 8 people working the qualifier and a few more for logistics support. Photographer, web master, tournament director, assistants are working diligently around the clock in a professional manner to ensure that the qualifier is running smoothly. Furthermore, Kevin and Mike are flying in to further ensure the smooth operation that the IPT is running.

How do I know this? They are all in my pool room working as we speak.

Enjoy the IPT and its press coverage.



He had all that in Orlando too.

It is amazing what a little money can do. Okay, maybe a lot of money. No other tour can afford to do what KT is doing.

Let's hope the players appreciate it and don't let him down.

Think KT will announce any special perks when he and Mike arrive?



Destroyer of stickers
Silver Member
I'd say with a proper website, you could keep the results on a laptop and post real time results as fast as you can write them on a board.


BazookaJoe said:
I'd say with a proper website, you could keep the results on a laptop and post real time results as fast as you can write them on a board.

Of course. And that is what the IPT is doing. But then you do have to hire someone to build/maintain the website. And someone to sit at the laptop for 3-4 days and input the data. And, unless you want to volunteer to do that, you hire someone and pay them. And, that takes money.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I've been following the real-time coverage on the IPT website. Kevin Trudeau and Mike Sigel are in the house.

According to the article, Kevin Trudeau is going to make an announcement at this event. I'll be staying tuned for sure. This is exciting stuff!

While the rest of the world is watching Marietta, Georgia, I find myself in Providence, Rhode Island, killing a little time this morning on the hotel computer, waiting for my counterpart to rise and shine. It's supposed to be 55 degrees up here today.

I'll be Daryl Peach is excited, pocketing a cool 5 dimes for his 6-game run! Frankie Hernandez is on a roll, too, still in the winners' bracket!

For those in attendance, please post up any happenings for the inquiring minds!



Harriman losing two Hill-Hill matches has to hurt. Everything riding on just one game.

KT will make an announcement prior to the start of today's activities. I wonder what kind of goodies he will come up with then.



New member
Trudeau's announcement

I heard that 4 names will be drawn from the players already eleminated and the will get to play a challange match against "The Mouth" and when did he become the mouth I thought it was Capt. Hook, anyway if they win they will get free entry into the remaining qualifiers


If KT says it is "The Mouth" it is the mouth. The Mouth is more appropo for Sigel anyway. He just doesn't shut up once he starts.

The Hook was from another era. Those days are gone. Now he talks them to death.

