Two new Covid vaccines to get us back in pool


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
For myself I have no plans to get a vaccine. Over 99% Survival rate. I’ve never seen the level of stupidity as I have with this. People are scared because of nonstop TV programming telling them to be scared.
Government choosing what businesses can stay open and who has to close. Close the buffets and the bars but it’s ok to go to Walmart. Stay 6’ apart unless you want to fly on an airplane then it’s ok to be right next to each other.
The utter ridiculousness of placing my order in a plastic box for me to grab, somehow this keeps me safe?
Wear that mask walking to your table in the restaurant but once you sit down you’re in the magical Covid free zone.
I keep hearing about risks of giving someone the virus if you don’t wear a mask yet everyone has their eyes that can allow the virus into your body, unless you’re wearing a face shield.
The football games may be the most ridiculous of all, some coaches wearing masks, some around their chin, few players wearing masks and then celebrating with chest bumps, yelling face to face, lol.
If you want to wear the mask, get the vaccine etc, it’s your life.
I’ll take my chances.
Wow, you truly do not get it. And there are millions like you. No disrespect meant, I don't know you, but we got a problem. Peace.


New member
Wow, you truly do not get it. And there are millions like you. No disrespect meant, I don't know you, but we got a problem. Peace.
Ever consider that maybe YOU are the one that don’t get it? No disrespect intended, but certainly we have a problem. Peace


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Wow, you truly do not get it. And there are millions like you. No disrespect meant, I don't know you, but we got a problem. Peace.
The only problem I see is you want me to believe the lies and BS. Like you do.

I Got Lucky

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Well I always get my medical advice on pool forums so I'll ask.....

Age 60
Slight asthma
SEVERE allergy to shellfish
wasnt tested but 99% sure i had covid back in june. Taste/smell altered and smelling sulfur a lot.

Should I take the vaccine?