What's wrong with my table?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You hAve 2 choices, 1 being spend more money on someone new, of which you may end up with the same situation as you're in now, or 2....give this guy the chance to get his work right. Now, if he wants money to correct his mistakes, then he's a hack, tell him to f%*k off, and I want his name posted on AZB right here. If he's genuinely trying to do his best work, he'll bear the cost of his mistakes as a learning process, if he needs some advice....tell him to call me.

That right there sounds like an incredibly generous offer of your knowledge.


And good advice for the OP.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You think Mark Gregory and I didn't make our share of mistakes starting out? Learning from your mistakes is the only way you get better

"An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field."

---Niels Bohr, Nobel Prize in Physics, 1922

Club Billiards

Absolute Billiard Service
Silver Member
I would be very leery of letting the same person come and work on my table again. I say this because if a "Mechanic" could not figure out which side of the cloth was the play side, I would be very skeptical of the rest of the work that was done, especially the rail work and pocket modification you had him do.

What he said.

However...You already paid the person to do it. As a mechanic, I wouldn't appreciate it if someone was unhappy with my work and didn't give me a chance to remedy the situation one way or the other. If they guarantee their work at all, I would call and let them know that it doesn't play right and after some research, you understand why. Give them a chance to put Accu-fast and a new bad cloth on.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Two things, first....he did the work, he needs to get it right. Second, his work may be ok, but he may not work with Simons to often, so it's a lesson hell never forget.

What he said.

However...You already paid the person to do it. As a mechanic, I wouldn't appreciate it if someone was unhappy with my work and didn't give me a chance to remedy the situation one way or the other. If they guarantee their work at all, I would call and let them know that it doesn't play right and after some research, you understand why. Give them a chance to put Accu-fast and a new bad cloth on.

If this were a friend of his, an acquaintance, or even just a person who played on a league or in a bar he frequented I would agree with both of you. However advertising yourself as professional and taking some ones money as such, when you clearly do not know what you are doing speaks volumes to ones character.

If he had just installed the cloth upside down I could easily chalk it up to the point RKC made as he may not have the experience working with a certain type of cloth. But to put the wrong cushions on a table and put the cloth on with the wrong surface play side up makes me seriously question his ability, and those are just the faults that we know of right now.

Maybe I am just jaded but I would not allow a mechanic to work on my car again if he installed my brake pads upside down, or forgot to put the oil drain plug back in after an oil change.

Its one thing to portray your self as a professional and a completely different thing to be a professional!