Who are considered the best teachers right now?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The female pro was one of the world's best. I asked Robin if there is a way to make a ball on the break and then he proceeded to answer my question with the demonstration. before getting in to the real lesson. Do you mean to say if you positively knew you could make a called ball on the break in 14:1, you wouldn't do it? I don't play it so can't answer that for myself. It does seem like something worthwhile to know.

Well OK. What world championship(s) has she won in open play?

As to the head ball shot, that's a low percentage trick shot similar to banking one of the corner balls off a full rack. Mosconi would sometimes shoot it (and sometimes make it) to start off an exhibition match against someone who was relatively helpless. Every straight pool player on earth knows those shots and a couple more.

Lou Figueroa
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
There is only one way to find out... I'll stand by my man. I do know that the world's best players do not necessarily make the world's best teachers. For example, I've talked to people that have taken lessons from a well known female pro. They came away thinking; "yes, she can really play". Yes, but what did you learn for your $500? Answer; "that she can really play".

Ray Martin wrote one of the best books about pool. The old video of Ray doing a 14.1 clinic is priceless. Ray is a world champion.

If I was inclined to take a lesson he would be my first choice. Not trying to ruin anybody else's hustle.


I said: "Here kitty, kitty". Got this frown.
Silver Member
Those are pretty much trick shots. There's pocketing the corner ball by banking it to the head of the table, and there's sending the cue ball two rails around the corner into the corner ball to send the first ball 2 rails into the side. That shot in particular is dependent on the table and the rack, I believe. You probably either have to have a perfect table, or one wired in order for it to work.

It is kind of a showboat move that I think is disrespectful of your opponent. It's like saying, "I'm gonna start out with a trick shot because I know you can't beat me even if I miss." I'm happy to say I beat the last guy who tried that move on me. Having said that, if I knew I could make the shot 4/5 tries and I knew my opponent was not really able to get through more than a rack or two, I might do it, but probably only in a money game.

That's kind of what I figured. Still neat to see the head ball go into the side with such a high percentage. Robin teaches 14:1 to many people and has for >30 years. Until one of you venture out and meet him, you'll never know. I've done all I can. I'm sure if Robin read my posts, he'd be embarrassed and probably kick my butt. If any of you are curious, give him a call. His contact information is at: www.robindreyer.com
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The Teacher's I've Had &.... The Best Teacher I have ever had Oscar Dominguez!

Teachers over the years:
"Mexican" Ron Rosas (was good in the 80's!)
Mike Massey (Good, thought me lots of interesting shots that come up!)
Cory Harper (Good, in depth lots of lessons!)
John Schmidt (Good for 14.1)
Calvin Coker (fair, nice guy! more for beginners)

And The Best:
Oscar Dominguez!
I can safely say that Oscar has taught me more in a day, then anyone. He is no nonsense, down to earth and not pretentious, like some I have had. Ron you know who you are! LOL! Also he teaches you how to learn on your own, what works, and what doesn't. I don't know if he gives lessons regularly, but if you get the chance to spend just a couple hours with him it may save you $1,000's!
PS Each is very different and I learned much from most all of them.. Ron is all about Mechanics of cue stick control, 1 inch back stroke 4 Inches through ect.
Cory is a Great feel Teacher.
John is all about strategies.

Oscar maybe due to being taught by his Dad knows an amazing amount off what works, for me at least. He Changed my whole game.

Its good to have many teachers I think, so you can see all the different ways there is to play. No two players on this list play alike.



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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Save your money and arrange a multi hour or multi day lesson with Robin Dreyer in Portland, Or for about a 1/3 of what the big names charge. You can pay for the airfare, hotel, lessons and still come out better than just $$$ for lessons with the big names. www.robindreyer.com

A bit of a short sighted post don't you think. You have taken lessons from exactly one person in your very short pool career, who has you aiming at the same pocket all the time. We get that you were impressed by him, but I suspect there are at least a few hundred players on this very sight that could impress you as well.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The female pro was one of the world's best. I asked Robin if there is a way to make a ball on the break and then he proceeded to answer my question with the demonstration. before getting in to the real lesson. Do you mean to say if you positively knew you could make a called ball on the break in 14:1, you wouldn't do it? I don't play it so can't answer that for myself. It does seem like something worthwhile to know.

No pro, or even moderately skilled player would shoot that shot in competition. Did he show you how to do it in 9 ball? Why not?


I said: "Here kitty, kitty". Got this frown.
Silver Member
No pro, or even moderately skilled player would shoot that shot in competition. Did he show you how to do it in 9 ball? Why not?

Sure, not that hard using the Magic Rack and soft break. Finding the right place to place the CB and the right way to hit the 1 ball, The wing ball can be made almost 100% of the time. Robin can dial it in on any table with just a few tries. The 1 ball is the speed control ball. Only hit the rack hard enough so that the 1 ball stops a couple feet short of the end rail where the CB came. If the CB stopped in the middle of the table, this give a nice shot to continue.


JCC Chief
Silver Member
<snip> Robin can dial it in on any table with just a few tries. <snip>

Honest to God, your posts about this man are beginning to resemble the Chuck Norris jokes.

"Robin Dreyer can make the 17 ball."

"Robin Dreyer can make a side pocket shot...in the corner pocket."

"Willie Mosconi asked for a spot when playing Robin Dreyer."

"Robin Dreyer once pocketed two balls...on a carom table."

"Robin Dreyer got his cue back from Meucci...before he sent it to them."

"Robin Dreyer cured his measles cueball."

"Tom Cruise opened his cue case with Doom in it, and out popped Robin Dreyer."

"Robin Dreyer once miscued, but the cueball continued as if he hadn't, out of fear."

Give it a break.


I said: "Here kitty, kitty". Got this frown.
Silver Member
Honest to God, your posts about this man are beginning to resemble the Chuck Norris jokes.

"Robin Dreyer can make the 17 ball."

"Robin Dreyer can make a side pocket shot...in the corner pocket."

"Willie Mosconi asked for a spot when playing Robin Dreyer."

"Robin Dreyer once pocketed two balls...on a carom table."

"Robin Dreyer got his cue back from Meucci...before he sent it to them."

"Robin Dreyer cured his measles cueball."

"Tom Cruise opened his cue case with Doom in it, and out popped Robin Dreyer."

"Robin Dreyer once miscued, but the cueball continued as if it hadn't, out of fear."

Give it a break.

Oh, that is sooooo hilarious! You missed your calling as a stand up comedian. Where did all that crap come from? All I tried to say is that he should be on the list of pool instructors considered for lessons in all pool games. Now find what I actually wrote and tell me why it's impossible.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If you live in the NY area and want to learn 14.1 from and excellent strategist I would recommend azb own sjm. Stu has a lot to teach about the game. I have learned much from him.
He is well know on the women's tour. Many pro women have gone to him to learn strategies for safety play in 9 ball. Excellent teacher, nice guy. Very knowledgeable.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I have taken a lesson or 2 over the years. I have had paid lessons from most of these and some gave me free info or short one on one type lessons. Also a list of people I know would be good to learn from and will if given the chance. These lists are in no particular order. Some of these teachers i have marked local to me meaning they live in the Indy area)

Sailor in Racine WI (has taught many people, 100 ball runners and more)
Jeanette Lee (coaching mid game during play not formal lessons / local)
Alex Lely from Holland (seminar 14.1 and technique 2 days)
Blackjack/David Sapolis
John Schmidt (mini lesson while playing in WV / much info absorbed while watching 14.1 together at DCC over the years I wish I could work with John on my game)
Danny D
Grady M
SJM (defense / play / ancillary not formal class / feedback while playing)
WillieBetmore (taught me a lot knows alot / very informal / playing partner / local)
Bob Cozzolino
Ed Latimer

Fundamentals/Other not 14.1
Ray Martin
Jerry Breiseth
Mark Wilson
Stan Shuffett
Earl Strickland / Johnny Archer (Seminar)
John Brumback (Banking)
Lee Brett
Gene Albrecht Perfect Aim
Scott Lee

Informal / Interactive / Overtime running buddies
George Breedlove (local)
Doug Smith (local)
Brian Gregg (banking / local)
Doug Schaffer (Ms Cue very long ago taught many local)
Brian Groce (ancillary but very insightful / local )
Chris Lawson / World Wide (local)
Roger Griffiss (long ago at Bruces he showed me some stuff recently deceased)

People I have not taken lessons from but would like too, I know they have the knowledge and can transfer it others or have in the past.
Ratta in Germany
Nick Van Den Berg Holland 14.1
Tom Wirth
Dallas West 14.1
Jim Rempe 14.1
Mike Page
Danny Harriman (14.1 player very high ball running player)
Dee Adkins
Mark Jarvis (have received very ancillary input over the yrs super knowledgeable champion / local)
Joe Tucker
Truman Hogue - Kentucky Banks
Jame Walden
Oscar Dominguez
Bobby Hunter (14.1 champion)
Ike Runnels
Phil Cappelle
Bob Jewett (knowledge / artistic / 3C / 14.1 )

There are a lot of good teachers. I recommend a lesson or two if you want to learn. I just wish I had the time to play more. I work a lot of 70-80 hour weeks so my play suffers but I will take a lesson anytime I can make it work. It is good for me and good for the teacher.

The best thing for me would be to have a coach meaning a teacher who constantly works with me on my game. I have never had a real coach the closest I came was with Jeanette when she lived in Indy. The ongoing input and reinforcement is much different than a lesson. I wish i had taken more advantage of that when she lived her but work and life got in the way. If you can get such an arrangement with any great player I would highly recommend taking advantage. A good teacher working on your game constantly is huge for anyone's games.

Lessons are not of much use without time on the table. And then you have to compete whether with leagues or tournaments or action. Some sort of serious play is required to move your game up.

Play pool people I wish you all straight strokes.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Lots of good instructors out there but I gotta go with the local boy on this one. I've been to several instructors throughout the U.S. and Anthony Beeler is by far the best I've been to. He actually has college degree in teaching. I guess that is why he is so easy to understand. He writes instructional articles for several of the magazines too. He has lots of good stuff you won't see anywhere else.

Check him out: www.poolteacher.com
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