Who will build me….


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My guess in no cue maker in their right mind is going to want to work with you when you can't even bother to write out the specs you are looking for in your original post without errors. Red Flag. Danger Will Robinson!
I understand why you would feel that way. It’s an odd request. All you had to do was pass the post by. No biggie. Have a good day.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My guess in no cue maker in their right mind is going to want to work with you when you can't even bother to write out the specs you are looking for in your original post without errors. Red Flag. Danger Will Robinson!
I went back and reread my post. I think I did an excellent job of explaining what I wanted. Maybe your ego is a bit large.

Kim Bye

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
"pro style taper shaft with 12.4 going 20 inches from tip to where it starts getting bigger"
So you want a straight piece of wood the first 20 inches??
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ok guys. Ask any questions you want and some of you want to make sport with me that’s fine.
It is my money. I worked to make it. If you have no interest in the build just pass the post by. It’s really that simple. Thank you.

Kim Bye

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ok guys. Ask any questions you want and some of you want to make sport with me that’s fine.
It is my money. I worked to make it. If you have no interest in the build just pass the post by. It’s really that simple. Thank you.
I think you are missing a few important points:
1. We ask clarifying questions as some of your ideas aren't sound.
2. I would never build anything I don't personally stand by as my work is all I have, so if I make something that's terrible, I'll eventually get less work.
You can spend your money as you like it's a free country, but if you get any takers, that's a different matter.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I understand clearly. All you had to do was keep scrolling. I will only respond to private messages moving forward and only from those that will build. Thank you.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I want the absolute closest possible feel to the old school high deflection whippy soft hit of the meucci cues from 84ish.
Why not just buy one of the 84ish Meucci cues, cut eight inches off the butt, put a pin in the eight inch piece and tap the 21" butt to match? Problem solved.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I can do that. Just wanted an unmarked cue. Just sold my last cue. Meucci original 84 custom.
Wanting a cheap looking unmarked with my specs. Thx


It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that ping.
I went back and reread my post. I think I did an excellent job of explaining what I wanted. Maybe your ego is a bit large.
IMO you sounded like an entitled boomer who wants the world for pennies. You're also asking for an ILLEGAL material (depending on location but in most of the US cuemakers won't even touch the "natural" stuff as it invites too much headache and requires too much paperwork).

Why would any cue maker want to deal with a customer like that is beyond me.

I want this I want that I want this and I want it cheap. It's Ok if no one wants the work. :ROFLMAO:


Hi Mom!
Gold Member
Silver Member
My guess in no cue maker in their right mind is going to want to work with you when you can't even bother to write out the specs you are looking for in your original post without errors. Red Flag. Danger Will Robinson!
That attitude almost cost my boss at Corvette Denver 30 Grand because the the guy asking how much for this and how much for that looked like an average Joe with worn cloth's and holes in his tennis shoes. He had more money than all of us combined. His name is was Frank. Tony the owner at the time told us not to waste our time talking to him. Dana, R.I.P. became his friend and we began work on his many classic cars. After Frank got his first car done he decided to keep going.
For the record I have to edit 100% of my posts if I want to make sense to anyone but myself.
It's a don't judge a book by it's cover thing.


Maker of Joey Bautista Cues
Silver Member
60 year old somewhat retired hobby player. Not getting into the whys on want one but…
I want a 2 piece - 50 inch total length - 29 inch shaft - no metals in cue - nothing but wood. Not fancy but here’s what’s important
1. Shaft to be 12.4 inch at ferrule with long white ferrule - natural preferred - triangle tip - dime radius - pro style taper shaft with 12.4 going 20 inches from tip to where it starts getting bigger - wood to wood -or plastic collar - or natural - no bumper. Two identical shafts then the butt threaded for an extension with a common pin thread.
I want the absolute closest possible feel to the old school high deflection whippy soft hit of the meucci cues from 84ish.
no logo - no signature. No preference on wood -
not gonna spend a pile. If I have to I’ll put a classic no dot shaft on a junk butt.
im sure it sounds silly but it’s what I want.
pm me with interest-questions - prices - won’t wait long either
and its ok if no one wants the work. Thx
12.4mm straight for 20 inches?
I'll pass.