I skipped my law school graduation ceremony to go to this tournament. My Mom was so proud of me
The 8ball event as I recall came down to Buddy v Efren and I want to say Johnny Archer won the 9ball event.
CJ Wiley played Busty here and got drilled getting the 8 fro 5k. After it was over, I still remember the corp backing Busty was trying to get down again, and Wincardona was there shaking his head and he told that group "What you got here is a ball running machine..." No bet.
A young Tony Watson was in constant action and the first matchup I saw of him was playing Dennis Hatch with the call 8 for 500. Tony had a huge knot of dough and later on I saw him in North Carolina at Mothers Billiards and he told me he had been robbed later of that 17k when someone stuck a gun in his mouth outside a restaurant.
This tournament was the closest I have seen in person to the atmosphere of the current day Derby City Classic. After hours the tournament room was stuffed with action and sweators. The tournament room had an elevated section to the right that allowed railbirds to sit above the room with a good view of the tables. As I recall this tournament, the guys stirring it up the most those two weeks were Jamie Goodwin (Saw him flip Mataya for 1k and lose. He then asked mataya to post two flips). Mataya beat a bunch of Mexican Champions like francisco Galindo and a few others. Playing an ahead session against galindo, Mataya was down on this super tough 8..looked at it for ages...stopped woofed somemore about how he was the "best in all of Me-Ji-CO".. J. Mataya then gets down and after an eternity of woofing before the shot he fired in the 8 and got perfect shape on the 9. He then ran up to the 9 and fired it in one handed behind his back. Mataya was quite the entertainer. Hopkins and Efren played 200 a game 1p and broke even.
The tables at this event were so disappointing. The year before they had brunswick gold crowns and then that second year they ran this event, in 1992..they had World of Leisure tables. Really tough, almost gaff like tables that didnt play very well. Of course that didnt stop the champions. Bustamente ran 6 and 7 racks on these tables in many of his matches but couldnt win in the end.