World Snooker Professional Championship 2013


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Calling Scaramouche !

Hi Scaramouche ! :thumbup:

Auntie Beeb likes to post the stats in between sessions and I was just wondering if you know of a website that posts the stats as they happen.

Live so to speak.

I might've ask you before but I gotta ask again on behalf of us muppets that like to bet a buck on the Snooker ! :cool:;):thumbup:

I mean like a rolling ticker tape that constantly updates . A bit like in running betting . ;):D


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hi Scaramouche ! :thumbup:

Auntie Beeb likes to post the stats in between sessions and I was just wondering if you know of a website that posts the stats as they happen.

Live so to speak.

I might've ask you before but I gotta ask again on behalf of us muppets that like to bet a buck on the Snooker ! :cool:;):thumbup:

I mean like a rolling ticker tape that constantly updates . A bit like in running betting . ;):D

You will just have to keep your own stats.
You will gain a huge advantage over the lazy slugs.
Make as much money off this tournament as Ronnie will.
Then you can buy your own Golden Cue.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Crucible Morning Sessions

The Devil 4 V 4 The Maestro

Some players play the morning session better than others and whoever wins this session might well prevail in this match but only time will tell.

10am UK time start for this session . My advice is to set your clocks and tune into this gig as I reckon it's gonna rock ! :wink::grin::cool:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Dear Scaramouche .

You will just have to keep your own stats.
You will gain a huge advantage over the lazy slugs.
Make as much money off this tournament as Ronnie will.
Then you can buy your own Golden Cue.

Do you mean like Grasshopper say ... ?

Nice to meet you again Scaramouche and I wish you the very best of luck with your selections !

Best Wishes From a dude in Scotland called Church66 ! :wink::D:thumbup:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ronnie O'Sullivan 9 v 7 Judd Trump

Ronnie's 2 in front Judd's 2 behind but the gap could've been more so it's still game on .


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ring rust......

Ronnie's 2 in front Judd's 2 behind but the gap could've been more so it's still game on .

....or Crucible crud. I think that perhaps we have seen the first signs of the effects of the 12 month hiatus by Ronnie o'Sullivan. Either that or he is carrying the kid, knowing that should he walk from the game this youngman is a contender for his crown and his doesn't want to crush his spirit with a 12-4 session ending other words Ronnie didn't want to "stomp the Trump."

Because Ronnie knows Such a beating in this the greatest of all arenas to a young man at this critical stage in his career could put out his fire and send him to the bowling alley.....Think this is giving Ronnie too much credit?? ...that he's not a kind and caring person ???

Remember how he embraced a young Ding after he defeated him and Ding was crying in his chair...

So either Ronnie is showing either: compassion ,Ringrust[crucible crud] or....
he is torturing this opponent for talkin smack ......
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Silver Member
I don't think Judd is a morning kind of guy. He seems to play better later in the day. I'm thinking 12 all after this evening's session.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
not a ton of break building but some serious serious world class safety play

yeah in the last frame Judd looked scared, he had a few shots he passed on and played safe, he was smart and put the yellow out of play(clever shot).

I dont know what to think, i think Judd will play stronger tonight, but ronnie still appears to have his head on right-so I'm 52%-48% thinking Ronnie is ahead after tonights session. will be good for sure.

i'm happy to see Hawkins is making a match out of this(well kinda), he sure looked uncomfortable yesterday.

for all practical purposes the ronnie/Judd match is the finals


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
yes the other semi is a joke, too bad all the other top guys bowed out early......Selby in there would have been aweosome


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ronnie O'Sullivan 9 V 7 Judd Trump

Big session ahead for both players but if Judd Trump is to give himself a chance to win the match he has to win this session.

Skybet odds :

To win the session it's ,

Ronnie 8-0 100/1
Ronnie 7-1 16/1
Ronnie 6-2 5/1
Ronnie 5-3 5/2

Judd 8-0 100/1
Judd 7-1 28/1
Judd 6-2 9/1
Judd 5-3 100/30

The Tie 4-4 is 9/4

Will the Rocket sonic boom outta sight ?
Or will Touche Turtle put up a fight ?
We're about to find out ! ;):cool::thumbup:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ronnie takes the mini session

Touche Turtle's making too many mistake's , then bang 117 break.Then back to the mistake's.The frames are running out for Touche Turtle and the Rocket takes the mini session 3-1.
Big session ahead for both players but if Judd Trump is to give himself a chance to win the match he has to win this session.

Skybet odds :

To win the session it's ,

Ronnie 8-0 100/1
Ronnie 7-1 16/1
Ronnie 6-2 5/1
Ronnie 5-3 5/2

Judd 8-0 100/1
Judd 7-1 28/1
Judd 6-2 9/1
Judd 5-3 100/30

The Tie 4-4 is 9/4

Will the Rocket sonic boom outta sight ?
Or will Touche Turtle put up a fight ?
We're about to find out ! ;):cool::thumbup:

Tie? Wash yer mouth out, lad.