WWYD 9 Ball


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

I played this shot as shown. It was laying perfect for it. I was half messing around, at the end of a ghost set I had just lost, and was just banging the rest of the balls in. Unsure if I would have played it this way in a game. How would you have played it?

David in FL

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If I couldn't stun it down table, I'd probably just hit center ball left to z it down.

Just need to take a little care with that side pocket.

Anything below the side pocket on the top long rail is just fine…
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Patrick Johnson

Fish of the Day
Silver Member
Going rail first (with a little low left) is an easy shot and takes less force to get down table.




Cue Author...Sometimes
Gold Member
Silver Member

I played this shot as shown. It was laying perfect for it. I was half messing around, at the end of a ghost set I had just lost, and was just banging the rest of the balls in. Unsure if I would have played it this way in a game. How would you have played it?
In the same situation, I would have played it exactly the same ! Lol!

I hope I would have jacked up and stun drew it up the rail in a real match.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
In the same situation, I would have played it exactly the same ! Lol!

I hope I would have jacked up and stun drew it up the rail in a real match.
Ha ha:)

I first saw Busty play this shot in a match maybe 20 years ago, I think he was partners with Efren on a doubles match. It's on youtube somewhere. It comes in super handy when you are too close to the rail and can't jack up.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Going rail first (with a little low left) is an easy shot and takes less force to get down table.


View attachment 702651
Filler did this shot. As I recall, the cue ball and the 8 ball were closer to the top rail and still going rail first, he hit the 8 full and forcefully enough that the spin carried the ball to the bottom rail where it opened up towards the side pocket. 9 ball was elsewhere but the position was gorgeous and perfect.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This situtation many possible ways to play.. It is good to practice that shot time to time. It is all about thickness of shot. If u hit that same but slightly thinner u would get Perfect. Sometimes it is only way to go and u are happy to shoot it if practiced.
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WO double hemlock
Silver Member

I played this shot as shown. It was laying perfect for it. I was half messing around, at the end of a ghost set I had just lost, and was just banging the rest of the balls in. Unsure if I would have played it this way in a game. How would you have played it?
I think this is a good way to play it….high with a bit of left english..extend your follow-through.
It works well for a straight bank in the side also when you want to go down the table.….and, yes, I‘ve played it while playing for more $$ than I care to lose.
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'AZB_Combat Certified'
Well I've been recently told that virtually no top player would follow my pattern choices so take this with a grain of salt, but I'd probably just hit the 8 thick with running outside to play 2 rail shape.

I might be I'm over estimating my ability though.


'AZB_Combat Certified'
Thick, then your then bringing the side pocket scratch into play. Thinning it with Left/draw, very difficult to scratch coming one across.
Thick with running english brings the side pocket into play...? I'm expecting the CB to hit slightly above center diamond below the side. I guess I really am out to lunch....lol.

Time to find a different hobby :oops:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I think the Z route is the easiest, side pocket should not be a problem, but you should practice different ways of getting there in case balls are blocking the easiest route


'AZB_Combat Certified'
.... Thx for your hobby advice.
You're welcome...?
did you read ...Thread #8???????

Copy paste below.

Over cut the eight striking the left side of it, with a 7:00 o'clock stun/draw cueing, with enough speed to go three rails.
Long rail/long rail/long rail.
I was responding to your post after my suggestion to hit it thick. However that post doesn't seem to be there anymore. Regardless, I don't play for the 3rd long rail. If my version hits a third, it would be the bottom short. I opt to play natural angles and roll the CB when the option presents itself.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You can also float the CB down the long rail with inside draw with a little more than a half ball hit. If you do contact the long rail the ‘inside’ keeps it from running and it will still float down the rail


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thanks for you explanation.
I'm trying to understand since you don't know me, and I don't know you, why you chose to direct the below comment towards me?

''Time to find a different hobby''
Don’t see where I directed it towards anyone


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thanks for you explanation.
I'm trying to understand since you don't know me, and I don't know you, why you chose to direct the below comment towards me?

''Time to find a different hobby''
I think you’re referring to post #12, not me

Patrick Johnson

Fish of the Day
Silver Member
Thanks for you explanation.
I'm trying to understand since you don't know me, and I don't know you, why you chose to direct the below comment towards me?

''Time to find a different hobby''
That was JV - and I got the impression he was talking about himself, not you.

pj <- have had similar thoughts about myself


'AZB_Combat Certified'
That was JV - and I got the impression he was talking about himself, not you.
Oh yes, totally directed at myself. My apologies for not making that completely clear.

Weird happenings with Island Drive's posts... I used to be able to see them but they seem to be all missing now. I have used the ignore feature in the passed but he's certainly not on that list.


'AZB_Combat Certified'
Hit it the way you did if you are trying to impress the girls. Hit it like PJ said in post #3 if you need the money.
I'll admit that I'm the guy that mis-judges that kick and thins it too little. I'd probably end up caroming off the 9 and sewering in the neighouring corner...lol