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  1. VIProfessor

    San Juan Puerto Rico Pool Rooms

    Update: I'm also told you can check out Zona 9 in the San Juan area.
  2. VIProfessor

    San Juan Puerto Rico Pool Rooms

    OK...just got a msg from Alan Rolon, PR's best player. THE places to play are really in San Sebastian--Players Factory (immaculate Diamonds) and Master's (also good tables). But it's a two-hour drive. There's another spot in Bayamón, but it didn't sound too hot and if I remember the place, I...
  3. VIProfessor

    San Juan Puerto Rico Pool Rooms

    Haven't played in PR for years, but I'm putting out a couple feelers. Will report back.
  4. VIProfessor

    New Year's Resolution - Getting some training / coaching

    Glad to hear you've found someone to work with. Go get 'em at DCC, bro! And have a blast! I expect regular reports.
  5. VIProfessor

    It’s my bday 12/29

    Happy Belated B-day, Eric! And congrats on picking up your cue again! Call it a fallacy of sunken costs, but you love the game too much to not play.
  6. VIProfessor

    New cue , Need Help , What Wrap ???

  7. VIProfessor

    Proposition bet ruling requested!

    I knew you were kidding bro...or at least I hoped so! :) And My Favorite Things was my introduction to Coltrane. You know the rest of the story! Anyway, here's the shot. Nothing complicated. In truth, the bet was made as the result of that lethal combination--testosterone and alcohol. Since I...
  8. VIProfessor

    Proposition bet ruling requested!

    Thanks for the responses, everyone! And for the record, I was Player B, the bet was for $100, and I most certainly did get paid! And no, GoldCrown, I didn't have the Smith with me. If push comes to shove, there are more than enough of those in the bar to enforce bets as it is. :cool:
  9. VIProfessor

    Proposition bet ruling requested!

    Player A bets Player B that he can't cut the 12-ball into a corner pocket (not a game situation--just two balls set up on the table). Player B makes the ball and scratches. Who gets paid?
  10. VIProfessor

    Best/Funny Trash talk

    While sitting with Groundhog eating the trash concession food in the Rio at the 2013 BCAPL's. Groundhog: Damn, this food is trash! Unknown player: But at least it's only ten dollars. Groundhog: I'd pay you ten dollars to eat this shit!
  11. VIProfessor

    Using a B.R.A.C. Bank calculator during a tournament match?? Legal or no?

    Here's a link. Man, this Drill Instructor guy is good! He's got more ways to separate aspiring pool players from their money than any hustler I've ever seen!
  12. VIProfessor

    Using a B.R.A.C. Bank calculator during a tournament match?? Legal or no?

    To the disgrace of our entire age group, the offending player is a boomer. He fell in love with the game a couple years ago, and he's one of those folks who has ALL the equipment under the sun (including a new $1900 Longoni) except a smooth stroke. And of course, he's nitty to such a level as to...
  13. VIProfessor

    Using a B.R.A.C. Bank calculator during a tournament match?? Legal or no?

    Made a perfect kick.. object ball was nearly pocketed. :sneaky:
  14. VIProfessor

    Using a B.R.A.C. Bank calculator during a tournament match?? Legal or no?

    In a local weekend tournament, a player pulled a B.R.A.C. bank calculator out of his pocket to figure out where on the rail to aim. Is that legal?? If not, what is the penalty?
  15. VIProfessor

    John Morra vs Tyler Styer race to 30 livestream

    That may be true of classical pianists, but not jazz musicians. In jazz, you will never play a tune exactly like you did the previous time, and you are constantly reacting in the moment. Ask Billy Palmer what he thinks.
  16. VIProfessor

    SVB vs Chohan 1P

    Get well soon,bro!
  17. VIProfessor

    Tired of hearing how straight pool is the best game

    I must add something to my previous post. Unfortunately, there was absolutely NO straight pool played in the VI in my youth, so I had ZERO exposure to the game until my mid-20's when I went to UMASS and met Jim Martin and Bob Lisciotti (yes, Larry's cousin), and started locking horns everyday...
  18. VIProfessor

    Tired of hearing how straight pool is the best game

    In the Virgin Islands we called it "Juice" and played it 3 or 4-handed with five money balls (5, 8, 11, 13, & 15), and the last money ball was worth double. Depending on the players and the situation, the price per ball went from "half and one (.50 and a $1)" all the way to $100 and $200. The...
  19. VIProfessor

    Mosconi cup

    "...and he that ruleth his spirit [is greater] than he who taketh a city." I don't know Billy Thorpe, but he is clearly a young man of immense talent and immense issues. We can only pray that he brings his inner demons under control.