The APA 9 ball team CHAMPIONS disqualified


Taught 'em all I know
Silver Member
zsapa's supposedly not allowed to send any teams to vegas for 2 years as punishment. as far as playing a 4 for a 4, the guy that played has been a 5 in 8 ball for quite a while.

Are you questioning jt's06sti's integrity? Oh My, the gall! ;)


New member
i joined here just to see and read this post bc its spreading like wildfire around here. This cheating is completely normal around here. I play in ZSAPA, jd greene was a 4 while they were out there and was raised to a 5 in october/november, MONTHS after they got back. ive played w all these guys in tournys for years. Theyre not that bad. Not any differant from 85% of zsapa. The entire league cheats and sandbaggs. The LO lets it go on untill recently after this was a final straw. Hes had several teams DQ'd from vegas in last 5 years. Check out the letter he sent out, this is sad and shows you how bad it really is. i have a pic of it, ill try and post it but it starts w the cheating has to stop!


New member
not sure if this worked, new to this


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Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
Well, if they follow through on the letter, perhaps things might change there.

We shall see.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
wow, just wow !

cheating. sandbagging, deadbeats, bad checks. sounds to me like it is the lo's fault for letting it get to this point. glad to see he is trying to clean it up.

in our area if you owe dues and you play anyway your match is forfieted. needless to say all the captains here make sure all money is collected and paid every week or does not play someone who has not paid.

last session i had a guy who joined our team and paid his weekly fee that week but did not have the 25.00 membership fee. i paid that for him expecting to be reimburssed the following week. he came up with an excuse for not having the money. i refused to play him until i was paid.

well needless to say i did not get paid and he never played and just quit showing up after a few weeks. he was a damn good player but just another bum and i did not need that headache.

i am not an asshole but i am not an atm for bums either. i have a husband and wife who play on my team that has fallen on hard times. he lost his job. they did not play for a while due to not having the money. since we needed them because they were part of our team that qualified we worked out a deal where we would help pay their dues and and they have been paying it back doing odd jobs for us.

Bill S

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Banned for 2 years? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! They should be banned for life! If the pool community is worth its weight in chalk, each and every player on this roster should never be allowed to compete in an APA, BCA, VNEA, ACS event again in their lives. This isn't questionable sandbagging we're talking about. This was a deliberate attempt to commit fraud and compromise the integrity of amateur pool.

CueSports International (BCAPL) has banned the entire team for a minimum of 3 years. They will be eligible to apply for reinstatement after 6/1/2016. That doesn't mean they will be let back in but they may apply.

There were two players on the APA team that currently play in a BCAPL league. Their league operator is being notified that they may no longer play league, state, regional or national events.

Bill Stock

Jude Rosenstock

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
CueSports International (BCAPL) has banned the entire team for a minimum of 3 years. They will be eligible to apply for reinstatement after 6/1/2016. That doesn't mean they will be let back in but they may apply.

There were two players on the APA team that currently play in a BCAPL league. Their league operator is being notified that they may no longer play league, state, regional or national events.

Bill Stock

Thank you Bill.



i cant believe these cheaters won the team event in new jersey guess they got one over on tap too:mad:
maybe now they can pay the apa back

cardiac kid

Super Senior Member
Silver Member
Hi Folks,

Got to meet Sam from TAP during the Rally to the Valley / SBE event. Although we don't agree on the "punishment" for the offending players, it was great to meet him and discuss the situation face to face. Guess we will continue to disagree.

Also had an opportunity to speak with Mark Griffin of BCAPL / CSI. Thanked him for the position taken by his organization. Every journey starts with the first step. Hope the other sanctioning bodies change their position. Cheating is cheating. Period.

Guess I'm sad to hear the same "team" won again. Even if there is not one iota of shadiness to the win, there will always be pall over them. Individually and as a team.

Come on Sam!!!!



Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
So those guys just won the TAP event this past week?


The Renfro
Silver Member
won't be seeing me in Tap... Guessing there is a huge difference in the character at the top between TAP and BCAPL......

Actually someone needs to make a new thread about the team being welcomed with open arms by Tap after the BCAPL kicked them to the curb as well...... TAP= Money>Character

I would but I am packing for Jersey... Accu-Stats Invitational starts THURSDAY!!!!!!!
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I talked to somebody at the APA office and got a little more explanation, including the reasons why they have gone about it the way that they have. While I think that cheaters like these guys need to be outed, I could understand the reasons behind the actions of the APA. There was some confusion with the person on the line as to whether they had been contact by the BCA(PL), but I wanted to make sure that their customers were interested in this.

I applaud Bill for the move to ban known cheaters and am happy in knowing that I am a member of a league which not only takes notice but takes action.

I think the LO should have been responsible for half of that returned prize fund. It really makes the whole system questionable when it has been a pattern for 5 years and nothing was ever done until now - and even that's questionable.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Apa Is a joke .. this is reason why pool is dead ...

Wow! That "joke", APA, must be ridiculously powerful to cause the entire sport of pool to be "dead'. That's pretty amazing.

Seems that the only thing killing pool these days is pool players, as has been said before.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Apa Is a joke .. this is reason why pool is dead ...

I disagree with your thoughts. IMO the APA has gotten more people playing pool than any other organization in pool. It is the beginners platform that has kept pool alive and helped it stay potentially viable in some very difficult economic times. It's not a perfect system by any means but for what it does it works pretty darn well. Pool like all sports has to bring in new players constantly and the APA does that better than any other organization around today. JMO!


it sad

the night these players won the tap trny,they were all over facebook saying the apa can **** this and take that apa, there just a bunch of jerks
no wonder when someone says pool you think of dark dirty seedy poolhalls and players