Perfect aim - review

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Patrick Johnson

Fish of the Day
Silver Member
I'm saying there is absolutely nothing wrong with great players selling their services and products and talking about it at length on AZB.

Where did I say there's anything wrong with that? Are you saying their products shouldn't be candidly reviewed?

Did you read my review? It is much like yours in that I reviewed a product that I didn't understand how to use.

You guys keep saying this, but nobody seems able to describe anything I misrepresented about Gene's presentation. I think there is lots of misunderstanding about this, but I frankly don't think the misunderstanding is mine.

Ask yourself this: should a high-priced instructional video require you to call its author in order to understand it? Why does just about everybody who saw the video say they had to do that?



Paint Dry Watching Champ
Silver Member
Where did I say there's anything wrong with that? Are you saying their products shouldn't be candidly reviewed?

In your opening Thread Post:

My opinion: it’s so bad that it doesn’t really deserve a serious review, and I wouldn't bother except for the fact that Gene continues to promote it heavily on AZB, makes extraordinary claims for its uniqueness and effectiveness, and asks an outrageous price for it ($80!).

You guys keep saying this, but nobody seems able to describe anything I misrepresented about Gene's presentation. I think there is lots of misunderstanding about this, but I frankly don't think the misunderstanding is mine.

Ask yourself this: should a high-priced instructional video require you to call its author in order to understand it? Why does just about everybody who saw the video say they had to do that?


And for good reason. None of the people that actually understand the video are going to post the information of Gene's video in a public forum.

I understand that you have a misunderstanding of the video and what Gene is teaching. And there seems to be others that also didn't 'get it'. That can happen with something like this. This is something that has to be learned at the table. The DVD is to instruct you on how to align yourself. This isn't unlike buying a video to teach you how to Fly Fish. You can watch it and think you understand the entire thing, but it just might not work for you without being taught in person. The difference is Gene could personally instruct you over the phone on the technique and get you to understand the knowledge, whereas a Fishing Instructor still might have trouble getting you there (if they were available to ask).

Also, to your question if I think items should go without review, No I don't, and I followed along from the beginning of Perfect Aim and read many qualified persons reviews of the product. I also made my own review of the product and spoke to many people that were fortunate to take the lessons and/or acquired the 1st DVD. I've heard from many people that watched the video's and didn't have to get instruction or call Gene personally. Gene was in Arizona for weeks and was booked up with 3 or 4 lessons a day every single day because word spread.

In my case, I was able to get the lessons from Gene personally before watching the DVD. My phone questions were much more advanced questions.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Where did I say there's anything wrong with that? Are you saying their products shouldn't be candidly reviewed?

what he is saying is that #1, you don't reveal the info on the forum as to the content, and what makes you worthy of reviewing the dvd, why you? many people posted positive feedback on genes dvd.

You guys keep saying this, but nobody seems able to describe anything I misrepresented about Gene's presentation. I think there is lots of misunderstanding about this, but I frankly don't think the misunderstanding is mine.

Ask yourself this: should a high-priced instructional video require you to call its author in order to understand it? Why does just about everybody who saw the video say they had to do that?

high priced in whos mind? not to anyone who may see value in it, as far as calling gene, some things might need elaboration. he is willing to talk 1 on1 to you to clarify anything that you may not understand fully from a dvd alone. sounds like good customer service to me. you gey the dvd and gene personally if you need him.

and as far as your reply to my previous post, all you did was answer my questions with questions. ridiculous! every good player might not be a good teacher, but they do know how to play and have vast experience at this wonderful sport, so what a good player does state about pool really does matter just because of his experience alone.

you sir may be an brainy person, but I would rather hear a real good players review or comments about an instructional dvd or anything to do with pool, because his comments hold way more weight.

Patrick Johnson

Fish of the Day
Silver Member
I'm saying there is absolutely nothing wrong with great players selling their services and products and talking about it at length on AZB.
Where did I say there's anything wrong with that?
In your opening Thread Post:
"My opinion: it’s so bad that it doesn’t really deserve a serious review, and I wouldn't bother except for the fact that Gene continues to promote it heavily on AZB, makes extraordinary claims for its uniqueness and effectiveness, and asks an outrageous price for it ($80!)."
That doesn't mean there's something wrong with him talking about it; just that something so heavily promoted by its author begs for an objective review. I would think that's obvious, and I wonder why you're trying so hard to find everything wrong with what I said. Is there a little bias on your part because you disagree so strongly with me?


Patrick Johnson

Fish of the Day
Silver Member
what makes you worthy of reviewing the dvd, why you? many people posted positive feedback on genes dvd.

What makes them "worthy" of posting their opinions? The only reason is that you agree with them.



Silver Surfer
Silver Member
That doesn't mean there's something wrong with him talking about it; just that something so heavily promoted by its author begs for an objective review. I would think that's obvious, and I wonder why you're trying so hard to find everything wrong with what I said. Is there a little bias on your part because you disagree so strongly with me?


It's funny how you keep trying to wiggle out of this. You accuse others of beign bias. Anyone that has followed Gene's threads or has the time to go back through your posts can see how you have been at odds over this with perfect aim from the start. Then you post what you call a non bias review?? You can't be serious. You may fool some on here PJ but many of us can see right through this. I can't even understand why people are still calling this a review. It looks more like a personal attack.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's funny how you keep trying to wiggle out of this. You accuse others of beign bias. Anyone that has followed Gene's threads or has the time to go back through your posts can see how you have been at odds over this with perfect aim from the start. Then you post what you call a non bias review?? You can't be serious. You may fool some on here PJ but many of us can see right through this. I can't even understand why people are still calling this a review. It looks more like a personal attack.

there was nothing personal in pj's review. he saw the dvd and posted his opinion about what he saw (not about gene which would have made it personal). maybe you have your own opinion about perfect aim, but there is nothing to "see thru". his review was spot on.

and gene i know youre monitoring this thread. thanks for taking a break from the contant sales pitch and contributing elsewhere on the forum!


Dead Crab

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I paid for a copy.

My biggest issue is that "Perfect Aim" was sold as being applicable to any existing aiming system. Second biggest issue was that as an aiming system, one would expect that it would assist you in determining where to shoot the cue ball.

At 5 min and 40 seconds into the video (1st edition), a categorical statement is made regarding what the eyes do when sighting. This phenomenon appears to be the basis for the method.

My eyes do not do this, and I'd bet a lot of other people's eyes don't do it either. The success stories may be coming from people who have eyes that actually behave in this manner. Good for them. But if your eyes don't, you are SOL. Perhaps I could train myself to do this, perhaps not. In any event, there looms a bigger compatibility issue with my established (and quite effective, thank you) aiming method.

Despite the claim of being applicable to any existing aiming system, there was no indication in the video as to how this could be applied to aiming through the cue-ball center to a specific point on an object ball. It is presented strictly as an edge sighting method. As a dedicated center ball aimer, once again, I'm SOL.

Please don't tell me that I'm at fault for not calling or that I didn't pay attention enough. For $80, I shouldn't have to call anyone, and I really did want to find a perfect sighting method to use with my aiming system. But it just was not there. For anyone who was looking for a true aiming method, I doubt they found it.

I'm entitled to write this review because of my 1st amendment rights, and because I paid for the DVD.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
what makes them "worthy" of posting their opinions? The only reason is that you agree with them.


because at the time, they had viewed the dvd or took lessons from gene. You hadn't til recently, and you didn't even buy the dvd. Thats what makes them worthy.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
it's funny how you keep trying to wiggle out of this. You accuse others of beign bias. Anyone that has followed gene's threads or has the time to go back through your posts can see how you have been at odds over this with perfect aim from the start. Then you post what you call a non bias review?? You can't be serious. You may fool some on here pj but many of us can see right through this. I can't even understand why people are still calling this a review. It looks more like a personal attack.

i agree completly eezbank! You got it right, and when you ask him a question, his response is a question back!! Makes me crazy, but it is entertaining to a degree.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
no he doesnt but its a very effective way to argue with someone when they have the weaker side of the argument.

Brian==>sorry didnt mean to speak for you pj

weaker side huh, what makes it weaker sir? When you ask a person valid questions, and they won't respond with an answer, just another question, how does that clarify anything, not just to me, but other posters who may feel the same as i?

To recap, i don't have anything personal against patrick, just the way he has bashed gene and his dvd from the start, just because of the price? The content, which at first he hadn't seen. Many people have bought the dvd, or took a lesson from gene and liked the results. That should speak volumes! A review by him is fine, and can be done in such a way as to not reveal details that gene is selling. Patrick saw no value in the dvd, thats fine and his opinion. But he shouldn't be bashing gene about advertising by virtue of talking about his dvd. Like i said before, he is not the azbilliars advertising watchdog. If mike or the moderator had a problem with it ,they would have addressed it with gene.

And as far as the cost, thats anybody's own business, not patricks. If you pick up 1 thing you didn't know, i think $80 is cheap. Only the person who views it can make this summation. And again it's their choice.

Hope that clarifies my stance for you. We all want to get better at this great game. Good luck with your game

Palmetto cue

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I paid for a copy.

My biggest issue is that "Perfect Aim" was sold as being applicable to any existing aiming system. Second biggest issue was that as an aiming system, one would expect that it would assist you in determining where to shoot the cue ball.

At 5 min and 40 seconds into the video (1st edition), a categorical statement is made regarding what the eyes do when sighting. This phenomenon appears to be the basis for the method.

My eyes do not do this, and I'd bet a lot of other people's eyes don't do it either. The success stories may be coming from people who have eyes that actually behave in this manner. Good for them. But if your eyes don't, you are SOL. Perhaps I could train myself to do this, perhaps not. In any event, there looms a bigger compatibility issue with my established (and quite effective, thank you) aiming method.

Despite the claim of being applicable to any existing aiming system, there was no indication in the video as to how this could be applied to aiming through the cue-ball center to a specific point on an object ball. It is presented strictly as an edge sighting method. As a dedicated center ball aimer, once again, I'm SOL.

Please don't tell me that I'm at fault for not calling or that I didn't pay attention enough. For $80, I shouldn't have to call anyone, and I really did want to find a perfect sighting method to use with my aiming system. But it just was not there. For anyone who was looking for a true aiming method, I doubt they found it.

I'm entitled to write this review because of my 1st amendment rights, and because I paid for the DVD.

Tap. Tap. Good post.


Silver Member
This is not fair.

Whatever you may think of PJ's candor and style, there are not many people more qualified to critically evaluate claims at the technical/practical interface in pool.

The other person that's avoided the ad hominem attacks and commented on the DVD here is Tin Man. He found value for him, and found the advice worth the cost.

That's interesting to me because he too is a smart and thoughtful guy.

I guarantee if you locked PJ and Tin Man in a room and came back in 24 hours, they'd emerge with a common understanding and at least a not too dissimilar judgment.

The technical part I might agree with, the practical side Im not so sure. I guess it depends on what you consider practical :) PJ appears to be a very intelligent person, and when it comes to crunching numbers and physics he could be your man.

But there are also methods that work, and have worked for many players, but when you add X plus Y they dont equal Z. These are things that PJ dismisses, and will argue till the end they dont work, even though they do work for a lot of people.

Some of it is PJ either doesnt have all the information, or is misinterpreting some of the information he has. In those cases he often says "ok, explain it to me" but most of the people that know it wont disclose either because they feel he should have to search it out as they did or they dont want to give up someone elses information.

Im not saying its right or wrong, its just the way it is. I have always said different people learn different ways, and the hard thing to learn when teaching is how to say the same thing differently to get your point across to the different styles of learning. If I were guessing I would say this is why so many have had the need to call Gene, but I think he has taken the time and found the way to help the majority of those that have called.

There are some things the math guys will never except, CTE is one of them, Genes may be another. I am in NO WAY comparing what Gene teaches to CTE! They are totally different. BUT they both have to do with visualization or sighting, and this is an area that is tough to teach in pool. Because people see things differently, so what looks right to me might not be right for you. I think what Gene is trying to get across is to find where is "right" for each player.

As with many new concepts, and I do think what Gene is teaching is new when it is fully understood, it can take a while to find the BEST way to get the point across.

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
weaker side huh, what makes it weaker sir? When you ask a person valid questions, and they won't respond with an answer, just another question, how does that clarify anything, not just to me, but other posters who may feel the same as i?

To recap, i don't have anything personal against patrick, just the way he has bashed gene and his dvd from the start, just because of the price? The content, which at first he hadn't seen. Many people have bought the dvd, or took a lesson from gene and liked the results. That should speak volumes! A review by him is fine, and can be done in such a way as to not reveal details that gene is selling. Patrick saw no value in the dvd, thats fine and his opinion. But he shouldn't be bashing gene about advertising by virtue of talking about his dvd. Like i said before, he is not the azbilliars advertising watchdog. If mike or the moderator had a problem with it ,they would have addressed it with gene.

And as far as the cost, thats anybody's own business, not patricks. If you pick up 1 thing you didn't know, i think $80 is cheap. Only the person who views it can make this summation. And again it's their choice.

Hope that clarifies my stance for you. We all want to get better at this great game. Good luck with your game

well it sounds like you do have something against pj. as i stated before i cant always agree with him but he is spot on with his review. pj never bashed gene. gene came on here to peddle his product. when he brought his system into the public he invited public review of both his product and sales methods. these are not moderator functions. (and the mods did move his original thread to the for sale section where it belonged). as proved in this thread and others there are many who completely agree with pj's assessment of "perfect aim".

pj didnt make himself the advertising watch dog. he also did not resort to personal attacks and name calling that other posters have in this thread. he provided a review of a product. thats all. the rest is whatever you and the rest of the perfect aim posse made of it.

i to am trying to improve my game. when i spent $80 i was expecting more bang for my buck esp with all of gene's hype. no matter how the prefect aim posse wants to slice the pie there are plenty of unsatisfied customers and anyone considering buying this product has a right to know that as much has they do to hear from the folks that found it useful.

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