To all the Mike Dechaine Nay-Sayers.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

I know Mike has stated that he has to work on his mental/emotion aspect of pool, but you simply cannot deny his talent. This is one of the most remarkable performance in rotation I've seen so far for 2014. I was in amazement the entire time watching this.

Despite all the negative things that are said about him, he's still one of my favorite players, and it should be him against Shane in a race to 100 this weekend. :grin:

In some of the games he breaks and sinks 5 balls and a shot on the lowest ball...

I know he's in his homeroom and he's comfortable, but still, you gotta be impressed with this match.

Now back to regularly scheduled program...

Good luck to Mike Dechaine in the future! Hope he wins the upcoming US Open.

Dechaine is a top player. Is someone disputing that?


When brain cells die, there are other specialized cells in the brain whose job it is to eat the dead ones. The dead cell eaters are called phagocytes.

Hope that helps to balance it out. :smile:

I honestly thought today was gonna be a day I wasn't gonna learn anything new! Thank you Mr. Bond, today will also be a day I learned something new. Thank you:)



I know Mike has stated that he has to work on his mental/emotion aspect of pool, but you simply cannot deny his talent. This is one of the most remarkable performance in rotation I've seen so far for 2014. I was in amazement the entire time watching this.

Despite all the negative things that are said about him, he's still one of my favorite players, and it should be him against Shane in a race to 100 this weekend. :grin:

In some of the games he breaks and sinks 5 balls and a shot on the lowest ball...

I know he's in his homeroom and he's comfortable, but still, you gotta be impressed with this match.

Now back to regularly scheduled program...
Good luck to Mike Dechaine in the future! Hope he wins the upcoming US Open.

Well, maybe he can start getting out there a little instead of playing the northeast tours! Maybe he should get himself a sponsor that will send him all over the world to compete! Seeing that he is the #2 player in the states, I'm sure that shouldn't be too hard! I wonder why that is?? You think maybe he rubbed people the wrong way and that could be the reason he sits on the northeast tour? Or maybe he's just scared to try? Maybe he likes being the big fish in the little bowl of the northeast?

Bottom line is this, MD is phenomenal player, BUT, if he doest venture out soon, he's gonna end up a really good local pro! Hey Mike,,,,,,, tick tock tick tock tick tock! Hurry up kid, your train is rolling away, soon you won't be able to run quick enough to jump on it!

P.S. I don't think anyone in there right mind will ever deny Mike's ability! But when you rubpeople the wrong way long enough,,,,, guess what, you get left behind! Hopefully its not too late for Mike, but from what I'm hearing in his home room, the old Mike is making a comeback! I hope there wrong
Just watched the above match quick.
Yeah the man can play some pool.
Mike, looking for you to take it down at Turning Stone next week. If you come out like that, nobody can touch you.

one stroke

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Haters gonna hate

This all stems from MD not being put on the MC team and his followers just can't get over it ,, the reality and the facts as we know it , is MD has made his own bed for the most part with out consequences ,, his pattern racking is not the only pattern he's shown
Sooner or later it catches up to you ,, he by his own admittance knows it and has said he's working on it ,, actions speak louder than words when the pattern changes long enough people will recognize it and he will be on future MC teams



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't think anyone disputes his talent. good very good player. I still like shaw overall, think yes dechaine is on form and shaw isn't think that's partly down to shaw having a kid on the way but nonetheless if dechaine called him out and was for big cash shaw would win but be very close, obviously depends on the game..

with that dechaine seems like a one trick pony good breaker and rotation player, never see him playing 1 pocket, straights, banks, even bar table 8 or anything. think that would help him if he really wants to compete with svb, corey, morris etc as one of the USAs best


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Mike is a great player, he will win a US OPEN.

Mike has a lot of time left, I believe Mike will become just as strong as SVB.

Mike seems not to play good on those TAR matches, does anybody know how he plays for money, when he gambles with a backer or his own?

I believe Mike has a winning record against SVB in tournament play.

Now iam not saying he plays better then Shane, cause now he doesn't, but very soon he will!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Mike is a great player, he will win a US OPEN.

Mike has a lot of time left, I believe Mike will become just as strong as SVB.

Mike seems not to play good on those TAR matches, does anybody know how he plays for money, when he gambles with a backer or his own?

I believe Mike has a winning record against SVB in tournament play.

Now iam not saying he plays better then Shane, cause now he doesn't, but very soon he will!

possibly , agree with before he is not getting younger if he doesm not venture out and play in the international matches he will end up like a Donny mills


Mike is a great player, he will win a US OPEN.

Mike has a lot of time left, I believe Mike will become just as strong as SVB.

Mike seems not to play good on those TAR matches, does anybody know how he plays for money, when he gambles with a backer or his own?

I believe Mike has a winning record against SVB in tournament play.

Now iam not saying he plays better then Shane, cause now he doesn't, but very soon he will!

I respectfully disagree:) he will never be as good as Shane! It's too late! Shane is a completely different animal, period!!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member


I just don't get this age thing. You mean people don't play good when they get over 40 or 50? I'm old and so far, no has ever beaten me down in my basement.

I can tell you...there are seniors out there that are still playing real good but you just don't know it.

If Mike is winning good money staying close to home, there would be no reason to travel.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Mike is a great player, he will win a US OPEN.

Mike has a lot of time left, I believe Mike will become just as strong as SVB.

Mike seems not to play good on those TAR matches, does anybody know how he plays for money, when he gambles with a backer or his own?

I believe Mike has a winning record against SVB in tournament play.

Now iam not saying he plays better then Shane, cause now he doesn't, but very soon he will!

The gap in ability is wider than you think IMO. When Mike starts traveling around the world constantly and playing all of those tough international tournaments, then seeking out and gambling with the best players in the world in Taiwan and the Philippines, and has a bunch of major titles under his belt, etc., then he might become as strong as SVB. Not meant to be a knock against Mike, he is one of the best players in the USA.

Blue Hog ridr

World Famous Fisherman.
Silver Member
Just starting to watch the video. Looks to be a great set.

One thing that the Streamer could do is to Stop throwing up advertisements in front of the table after every shot. Would be nice to see the layout before a shot. What the player is looking at etc. Thats all the Streamer has been doing so far is talking and pushing other Tournaments and few comments directed re the actual game that is going on.

Mike was breaking and up came a Tourney Poster, until the exact second that Mike started his break.

I would like to watch the entire match but can't handle the constant splash screens in front of my face.

I mean, 10 minutes into the set and he has already put up the same adverts at least twice.

one stroke

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Mike is a great player, he will win a US OPEN.

Mike has a lot of time left, I believe Mike will become just as strong as SVB.

Mike seems not to play good on those TAR matches, does anybody know how he plays for money, when he gambles with a backer or his own?

I believe Mike has a winning record against SVB in tournament play.

Now iam not saying he plays better then Shane, cause now he doesn't, but very soon he will!

I like skylar's chances better



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

I just don't get this age thing. You mean people don't play good when they get over 40 or 50? I'm old and so far, no has ever beaten me down in my basement.

I can tell you...there are seniors out there that are still playing real good but you just don't know it.

If Mike is winning good money staying close to home, there would be no reason to travel.


Have you ever invited a good player to play you in your basement, for at least 500 a set?