Vegas BCAPL 2016, fargorate problems

Mark Griffin

AzB Gold Member
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Chicago Joe said: Not a big fan of handicapping races unless multiple divisions are combined.

We are NOT handicapping the races at the BCAPL nationals. Different level players will be played in the appropriate division (bronze, silver, gold, platinum). Each division will be playing scratch.

Where does all this mis-information about handicapping come from?

Mark Griffin


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Chicago Joe said: Not a big fan of handicapping races unless multiple divisions are combined.

We are NOT handicapping the races at the BCAPL nationals. Different level players will be played in the appropriate division (bronze, silver, gold, platinum). Each division will be playing scratch.

Where does all this mis-information about handicapping come from?

Mark Griffin

The BCAPL Texas State tournament going on right now has two divisions. A "B" division and Open/Advanced division. Both divisions are using handicaps based on Fargo.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thank you for the replies. I feel like I am still missing something.

I will use an extreme example using the one game per opponent format. Let's say that I play 20 different players who are all rated 650 and I am a starter 525. In the 8 ball format, in one night you either break 2 or 3 times. I get two breaks per night and my opponents get three. They break and run 12 times and I break and run 8. I only won 40% of the games. Say I got more breaks and I won games 12 via break and run. Would my rating change based on winning 40% or 60%?

I would think that our skill levels should be the same because every game was won by break and run. The only difference is who got to break more often.

I feel like if you have a race then you have equal opportunities whereas in the one game format the number of breaks you get per round can make a big difference when playing other strong players.

If you are only looking at 20 games (and you live in a world where no one ever misses) then there might be a problem.

But you don't get an established handicap until you have at least 200 games played. It's not going to matter what the format was of those games, on average you will have broken half of them.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The BCAPL Texas State tournament going on right now has two divisions. A "B" division and Open/Advanced division. Both divisions are using handicaps based on Fargo.

The folks at the Texas State tournament obviously screwed up by using the new Fargo ratings to HANDICAP matches rather than simply dividing the masses into groups.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Chicago Joe said: Not a big fan of handicapping races unless multiple divisions are combined.

We are NOT handicapping the races at the BCAPL nationals. Different level players will be played in the appropriate division (bronze, silver, gold, platinum). Each division will be playing scratch.

Where does all this mis-information about handicapping come from?

Mark Griffin

LOL, Mark it's like that ol game "telephone".
People don't want to read info for themselves so they keep asking their friends until it gets all messed up after being told a dozen times.
See ya in Vegas :)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The folks at the Texas State tournament obviously screwed up by using the new Fargo ratings to HANDICAP matches rather than simply dividing the masses into groups.

Again, there will be no handicaps at nationals. With the large numbers nationals enjoys the benefit of being able to build fairly large divisions of similar-speed players.

To be fair here, some of the regional tournaments, like Texas BCAPL, have had Open & Advanced players together in the past and I believe had some handicapping going within the division. So having divisions AND handicaps is not new. I've also seen it in Arizona and in Wisconsin. Western BCA I believe has had sufficient numbers to be able to not not handicap within divisions. It is a question of having more smaller divisions or handicapping within a broader division. There are arguments either way, and the best way to do it is a legitimate open discussion.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
In golf, if you want to play in almost any major local, regional, or national amateur tournament you MUST have an establish rating (golf handicap). Most golf handicapping systems require you to have 20 scores posted before becoming "established".

We should strive to do the same in amateur pool tournaments.

I know Fargo ratings are new, but in the future (maybe two years from now?), if you want to eliminate the problem of unknown players with 525 Fargo ratings, tournament should REQUIRE players to have an established rating (200 games). No rating, no play.

If you think that is too harsh, perhaps a smaller number of games (like 50 or 100) could be used for a "tournament qualified rating".


Silver Member
The folks at the Texas State tournament obviously screwed up by using the new Fargo ratings to HANDICAP matches rather than simply dividing the masses into groups.

There isn't enough players to have more than the 2 separate divisions.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
In golf, if you want to play in almost any major local, regional, or national amateur tournament you MUST have an establish rating (golf handicap). Most golf handicapping systems require you to have 20 scores posted before becoming "established".

We should strive to do the same in amateur pool tournaments.

I know Fargo ratings are new, but in the future (maybe two years from now?), if you want to eliminate the problem of unknown players with 525 Fargo ratings, tournament should REQUIRE players to have an established rating (200 games). No rating, no play.

If you think that is too harsh, perhaps a smaller number of games (like 50 or 100) could be used for a "tournament qualified rating".

I agree, within just one 16 week league session, with a player playing most every week, it is easy to get in 50 games.

Which brings up another question, does CSI plan to start using League play in the future to calculate Fargo Rates?

Mark Griffin

AzB Gold Member
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Texas BCAPL State Tournament is not a CSI event. And as Trigger said, there are not enough players to have multiple divisions - so a handicap is called for - and that is how they have done it in the past.

We support them and they are affiliated, but they run the tournament the way they feel is best.

But Nationals is different.NO handicapping in the different divisions.

Mark Griffin


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Asked and answered?

We were talking about the team tournament and he did not specify. Just clarifying if singles matches would effect ratings before teams. I don't see why they couldn't enter singles results to pick up on some the unrated people. Especially since they have all these results in a computer. Guessing it would be trivial to add them.