Filler withdrawn from Reyes cup


Well-known member
Does anyone have a copy of the wnt contract the 128 players signed last year I think. Be interesting to see if there is a clause that covers this


Well-known member
I’m curious about what people who defended Josh playing the 8 ball championship, by saying he may not have understood , things change etc, think about the fact in that “apology” he said, it doesn’t matter anyway since he will be banned anyway after playing in the Hanoi open.
Seems to me he basically doubled down on barefaced lies on his communication, one could be an error, poor judgment etc but the second one just reeks a bit?

Joe Br

New member
So much for the Reyes cup. Who's right or wrong doesn't matter. You take the best player off one side and it's simply not the same. Hope they don't screw up the mosconi!!

banged up

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
He was disqualified by the event producer despite having qualified on merit. Problem not even close to sol

He was disqualified by the event producer despite having qualified on merit. Problem not even close to solved.
Your logic fails this time. Maybe next time will be better. Seems you grade Filler on a massive curve for every dumb lie he tells and you grade MW Harshly with no leeway. Curious that. One could almost see a clear bias in you.


Silver Member
I don't live, die, or feed vicariously off the show.
Advice to anyone, tuck in, shed, pound 'em when it's your turn again.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
So much for the Reyes cup. Who's right or wrong doesn't matter. You take the best player off one side and it's simply not the same. Hope they don't screw up the mosconi!!

yea i for one want to see the best. preferably i would want wu jiaqing and dennis orcullo back on the 9b trail. or justin bergman for that matter. but those are outside factors hindering that obviously

Bella Don't Cry

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It comes downs to the fact that Joshua Filler effectively hoodwinked his peers and picked up a $75,000 prize by winning the World Eight Ball Championship, when most of the other players stuck by their word and sat out. That probably leaves a bad taste in their mouth even if they are friends with Filler.

$75 if invested correctly can change a young person's life...

Dog eat dog world!
I wonder where he learnt that throughout his young informative years?

The kid has plenty of miles left to learn a few principles in life. MR (and his colleagues) could have chosen to teach him in some other form rather than punishment. IMO

Bella Don't Cry

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
He was disqualified by the event producer despite having qualified on merit. Problem not even close to solved.

Agree with this.
The word integrity is being bounced around a lot on social media. But MR have shown very little of integrity to their own event by giving the bird to a player who clearly qualified to play on merit.

Integrity breeds integrity

Bella Don't Cry

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
World 8-ball was a Predator sponsored event….Josh and Albin are Predator sponsored players…no leeway for their plight?

Imagine being a major league athlete and being forced not to play (or play) can't in the World Series because you're sponsored by Adidas and the event producer and your sponsor don't see eye to eye in business???

Imagine the public backlash and PR disaster!

Hit all parties where it hurts.

1. Don't buy said company's products.

2. Don't watch said promoters event.

They'd soon get the message.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Whether you like the guy or not the RC, like the MC, is a MATCHROOM event. They make all the calls. Hell, they tanked a young US player for being overweight once. Its pretty apparent that he either violated terms of his player agreement or just royally pissed-off MatchroomHQ. There are other factors to being on these teams than just 'making it on merit'. That little trip to NewZealand may end up being the most expensive trip Filler ever takes. Gonna go way out on a limb and say he'll probably be far more careful what he says/states in the future.


Older and Wiser
Silver Member
Imagine being a major league athlete and being forced not to play (or play) can't in the World Series because you're sponsored by Adidas and the event producer and your sponsor don't see eye to eye in business???

Imagine the public backlash and PR disaster!

Hit all parties where it hurts.

1. Don't buy said company's products.

2. Don't watch said promoters event.

They'd soon get the message.
A lot of sense here. In the end, it is the consumer that is financing pro pool. As we have seen for a full year now, the pro players have virtually no leverage here. If they had any, they'd have used it to force a resolution between the feuding parties in the wake of the Qatar Summit of October 2023. Mike Panozzo, in his comments, took note that nobody has demanded this of pools powerbrokers, and one day, perhaps, that will change. Instead, nearly all of the pro players signed with Matchroom by January.

As for consumers, few (speaking about Americans here) who play pool care about anything going on at the pro level of the game, and almost nothing happening at pro level will have much impact on them when it is time to purchase pool equipment.

Tricky times for pro pool.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Imagine being a major league athlete and being forced not to play (or play) can't in the World Series because you're sponsored by Adidas and the event producer and your sponsor don't see eye to eye in business???

Imagine the public backlash and PR disaster!

Hit all parties where it hurts.

1. Don't buy said company's products.

2. Don't watch said promoters event.

They'd soon get the message.

to be fair, predator too has been caught between a rock and a hard place. did they know when they bought the world 10b rights that WPA was gonna go apeshit a few years later? all because a switcharoo in the asian federation and the belligerent ACBS coming in. they've already suffered an exodus of pro players indirectly because of this.

i would think predator, whether one like their products or not, has done more for pool than any other industry sponsor for the last two decades.


Well-known member
Molina Mike, in Vietnam, said on his podcast that many players feel "betrayed," "angry" and "disappointed" by Filler's actions. Mike says he was surprised by level of vexation and by the number of players who were upset.

So it could very well be that players complained to MR, but MR may have also had its own reasons. I suspect this is what MR was referring to in their now-deleted part in the Filler statement about "team integrity."


Still some big unanswered questions.

*Did Josh withdraw on his own? Doubtful.

*Could Josh violate some WPA law or rule by playing in the Reyes? Unclear.

Did Josh violate part of the Mosconi/WNT rules? Unclear.

*Is the Reyes sanctioned? Unclear

Did MR remove Josh on its own, at the behest of players, or a combination thereof? Unclear.

*Is Josh going to removed from the Mosconi? Unclear.

Hard for me to judge until I know more. Josh put himself in a bad spot. But MR needs to be more open.


The change in MR's statement was in poor form. The PR people had plenty of time to come up with a statement, and yet they had to go back and change it.

Get it right the first time.

Bella Don't Cry

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
A lot of sense here. In the end, it is the consumer that is financing pro pool. As we have seen for a full year now, the pro players have virtually no leverage here. If they had any, they'd have used it to force a resolution between the feuding parties in the wake of the Qatar Summit of October 2023. Mike Panozzo, in his comments, took note that nobody has demanded this of pools powerbrokers, and one day, perhaps, that will change. Instead, nearly all of the pro players signed with Matchroom by January.

As for consumers, few (speaking about Americans here) who play pool care about anything going on at the pro level of the game, and almost nothing happening at pro level will have much impact on them when it is time to purchase pool equipment.

Tricky times for pro pool.

Has anyone outside of the tour managed to read the contents of the WNT player contract?

If not, I'm sure one could 'Just' appear outa nowhere...

Bella Don't Cry

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
to be fair, predator too has been caught between a rock and a hard place. did they know when they bought the world 10b rights that WPA was gonna go apeshit a few years later? all because a switcharoo in the asian federation and the belligerent ACBS coming in. they've already suffered an exodus of pro players indirectly because of this.

i would think predator, whether one like their products or not, has done more for pool than any other industry sponsor for the last two decades.

For sure!
I'm a McDermott man so I withdraw from saying the 'P' in a commercial way.

That said, they have been one of the most consistent endorsers of American Pool and it's players globally; Full stop!

In these difficult and trying economical times, to hurt business this way is atrocious and appalling.

Does anyone have a hotline to the big 'D'?

I'm sure if he heard about this he'd kick some tail! 😄


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
From memory a year ago, when the WNT player contracts were being discussed on the various podcasts (but no one ever shared a copy I don't believe)...

I believe there was a clause in the contract that the WNT members must attend all the major WNT events (produced by MR, not the satellite independent promoter events). Filler (and others) repeatedly skipping these events would be a violation, and grounds to kick off the WNT.

I also recall Emily stating in one of the interviews something to the effect of: "Players can play in any other non-WNT events they choose. We will not limit them, or ban them for playing. But they must show up to our events when we have them"