I haven't had a chance to drive down to The Jointed Cue yet and was thinking maybe you
could just phone Mike (Murphy) direct to make arrangements for bringing the Pros over
for a little exhibition while they are in town. I'm certain he woud be very grateful and I know
plenty of players (fans) who would be in attendance. He can be reached after 9 a.m. M-F at
916-456-2284. If I can be of further assistance, please don't hesitate to ask.
Regards, Howard
Originally Posted by bfdlad
Hi there, are there any plans for a grand re opening? I am working on something and may be in the area with Archer, Varner and or Strickland. Myb if he timing is right Icould have the guys stopby for a while and do a mini exhibition (Free) Not sure on my dates yet but letme know if you have plans an I can see if we can make it work. Best of luck to you in your venture and one way or another I hope to stop by and say hello.