Recent content by Bigkat

  1. B

    Who is your favorite player and why?

    💡💡 *Efren because he's the Goat!!🐐🐐🐐 *Tony Chohan in One Pocket *Chicago Bugs in banking
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    Pros today vs the pros yesterday

    💡💡 I believe it is EVEN no matter how you slice it. Because, everything is ON SCALE ☝🏾. If you take the top players from the past, at their peak, with the information and technology that was available, at that time, they are easily on par with top players today with the YouTube, cell phones...
  3. B

    What order to shoot the stripes with ball in hand?

    💡 I don't like that 13!! 😡 *Therefore, I'm running the 10 ball up the rail first with one tip above Center ball. *Then I'm cutting the 13 in the side. (A decent player should be able to manufacture it from there LOL) 😎
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    One pocket question?

    The most BASIC objective is this. Try to play the STRONGEST shot at your pocket WITHOUT leaving your opponent a shot at his pocket
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    SVB vs Chohan 1P

    💡💡19-17 TONY!! 🥳🥳💰💰
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    💡💡Currently 10-9 with Tony breaking 😳💰💰💰
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    SVB vs Chohan 1P

    💡💡 Tony has tightened up, won a few games in a row, Shane is only up 10-9 with Tony breaking 😳😳🥳🥳🥳🥳💰💰💰
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    T-Rex vs The Lion!! Who do you guys like?

    What's the score?
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    T-Rex vs The Lion!! Who do you guys like?

    WOWSERS 😳😳
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    T-Rex vs The Lion!! Who do you guys like?

    What's the game count? 👀
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    Best Black Players Of All Time

    I hear he's alive and kicking in the Raleigh/ Charlotte area LOL 💰💰
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    Best Black Players Of All Time

    💡💡Black guy Tony Morris from North Carolina (Greensboro I think), placed in the top 20 US Open one year.
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    Best Black Players Of All Time

    🎱🎱 He's older now, but a black guy named "Brady", Brady Norris out of North Carolina is/was one of the best in the country at One Pocket! 👍🏾👍🏾💰💰💰
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    Best Black Players Of All Time