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  • Still angry I see! Thanks for the rep!
    quote=punter 10-26-2010 03:35 PM What a fuc*ing putz you are. Pimply faced Putz should be your handle./quote
    Thanks again for the red....that means I'm on the right road...!
    BTW...Have you even realized that you were born into the world or are you still living in a dream world....?
    There's still time for you to start the process of life....Don't die in hate son....
    Whenever you give me red I know I'm doing something right....
    I love you son...but you need to change your ways...
    "you're a worthless POS"

    LOL. Did I insult a loved one?

    I copied and posted this from what Patrick Johnston said to you a few lines down....

    Bush....WAFJ....How anyone can be offended over something negatively posted about him is beyond me...Turns some lights on man!...Get out of the dark...
    thanks for the nice words, I havent seen you around much. Is everything good? I'm fair at best. Back is getting better, slowly and I have to be careful-I'm a long was from being good. Biz is non existant, I havent made $$$ in 18 months, I have lost 100% of my income now and 80% of my net worth. But at least I feel better and have agreat girl. I'll rep you tomarrow. Stay intouch,

    my very best

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