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  • the new 4th generation Durmith balls are better than any balls i have ever used, most of my friends who come over to play like them much better than Centennials or the regulat Awamith Tournment balls. They are all A+ to champion speed players. I been playing 26 years and I never thought I'd like anything better than Centennials. But I was surprised they are much better. The CB that comes with them has a big ugly black logo that looks like a fly at a distance, it plays like a blue circle, it goes through the OB it isnt bouncy like the red circle. The 4th generation durmith balls are the nuts, they look kinda like IPT balls but play much better. You wont be disappointed. you can find them for around $200
    I entered the tournament at Gary's this Friday Night. Gonna whip out the GEM for a quick show and tell.
    oh yea i saw the scruggs, but i just dont have the money right now to get it. i wish i did. i would certainly buy it if i had the funds.
    hope you have a nice holiday season, Im out sending my eletronic Christmas cards to everyone on AZ, Happy Holidays!!!! :)

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