Russ Chewning
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  • Hello Russ , my name is David Pinkston I am interested in the behind the rock tour . I was looking at there website and saw your name . If you had a minute I would like to hear your opinion on the tour . A message here on az or if you could call me at 845 565 1994 after 3 pm est . Thank you for your time , racefornine .
    russ i didnt get the email, it might have blocked it, just use my name in the subject,

    sorry about that, I truely hope you have been good, you were a bit stressed a couple years ago(I am now), I really look forward to seeing you again and talking first,

    Nice to see you back, I hope your good. Are you going to the Derby this year?? I am looking foward to seeing you,


    I hope you have a nice holiday season, Im out sending my eletronic Christmas cards to everyone on AZ, Happy Holidays!!!! :)

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