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  • Hi,

    It's been a while since I've been in touch with you. Last time was back when I first got my g-core shaft and had to send it back to have it replaced.

    I hadn't come on this site for a long time. No particular reason why. Just got busy with life. Still busy enough, but I'm back on here.

    Still have my McDermott cue, but just bought an OB shaft to go with it. Used it for the first time last night. So far so good.

    How have you been. Hopefully, well in every way.

    Best always,
    Well it's the thought that counts... I'm glad you got a chuckle out of it!
    Tonight, I discovered a crack in my brand new g-core shaft. It runs about six inches, with the grain, vertically. It starts about three inches from the joint and runs to about nine inches up the shaft from the joint. I have no clue how it cracked. I take really good care of my cues. They are always in their cases when not in use. It has not been dropped or bumped into anything. I do not break with it. I've only had the cue about two weeks.

    I just started a thread, asking for advice about what to do about this. If you have any thoughts, please let me know what you think.

    I bought the cue (online) from Ozone Billiards. I've bought many things from them in the past, including a couple of cues, and theyhave been a great store to do business with. So, I'm thinking of calling them tomorrow. I can't call tonight because they're closed.

    Have you ever had a shaft crack before? Do you have any recommendations about what I should do?
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