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  • Stan, I also gave you green for expressing your opinion. IMHO there are too many 40 year old teenagers on this site. Case in point the multiple threads of half naked young women in NPR.
    Hi Stan, Just wanted to let you know I gave you a greenie to help offset the reds you seem to be getting for your post. I don't often post in the forums because of all of the jerks there, but I do read quite a few of the threads. I didn't really think the bikini was that bad, but I saw nothing wrong with your expressing your opinion about it. Actually, the thing that would keep me from allowing my 10 year old away from AZ more than the mildly suggestive photo would be the ignorance, narrow minded attitudes and general bad social behavior of so many of the people posting to the forum. Anyway, please know that there is at least one person on AZ that doesn't think you should be ridiculed for stating a perfectly reasonable opinion.

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