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  • Mr. Supercue, if you ever get to Charlotte, NC it would be an honor to meet you and get you to sign the table. What a fine Grandson you have. Best regards, Bob Baker (704) 361-1585
    It was great to have you in the chatroom while we were hoping Shane would beat Darren in the C.O.C. event. Just sorry he didn't , but better he won the U.S.Open huh !
    A guy in N Carolina bought the table from Diamond the finals were played on. He just posted a thread about it. This is the link to that thread.
    His nickname is wahoo bob. Bob Baker. Shane autographed the table for him. Just thought it would be nice to tell you about it. Maybe if you get down that way you could see it and autogragh it also !
    Take care Gary, from your friend Gary.
    Happy Birthday to you! Wishing you many more. Shane is lucky to have somebody like you in his corner. Bless you and your family!
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