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  • Where are you located? I can give you 700 but i have about 5 or 6 days when i get the money. call me on my cell 1-979-777-6178 my name is John asap
    thanks..i appreciate it..it is just getting harder and harder as the days go by..the stress is keeping me awake and i cant sleep..it sucks
    Hiyas couldent answer the post where i should for some reason so answering ya here.
    If its not a ball ya get point for like the 8 in 8ball or 9 in 9ball the ball stays down and its ball in hand to the oponent.
    If its a pointball the ball goes up on breakpoint if able or at diamond straight below if the breakpoint got to many balls blocking.
    Still ball in hand for the oponent tho :)

    Stay safe
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