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    • sir, i found you here via Rumikeys, he has contacted me to offer to buy a Mobley from me.
    • i understand that you are a TRUSTED 100%.
    • i do not know how to do the sale safely, so both parties are satisfied.
    • i have known randy since 1990.
    • i am hesitant to proceed , and i ask you to kindly explain the proper procedure to use for the safe sale of my cue.
    it is pretty much based on trust, there is no way to validate a AZB member that doesn't have a lot of history
    Before today, I never saw your product. I had to order myself one of these. Just a comment regarding your website, the pictures on your website made me think I was looking at the wrong product. The pics don't show a good angle of the burnishing leather side. Just my 2 cents. I'm looking forward to using the tool. Looks like it'll make everything I do today a lot easier.

    Joel, I love the tool! Now you started something here too! Already have people interested! Thanks!
    Joel, thank you so very much for sending the shaper. I can't wait for my boyfriend to use it. When he does, I am going to write back and let you know what he thinks. This cool pool tool looks so well made. Thank you again.
    Hi Joel, that shaper looks like great. Id like to get a few in my retail store. Is this just a prototype are you ready to ship by the case if so what is the bulk price and M.S.R.P.?
    I already did paypal for the oak dime shape burnisher.Check your account, you will see its paid for. Thanks
    Joel - well I suppose the tournament in Ft. Pierce came out for me like it should...I played pretty much like I have during my few hours of practice...make a few good shots then bang a duck right into the rail.

    I lost a match...won a match...lost a match. The last match I had plenty of I did all my matches...but I had a real opportunity...down 4-6 with a long shot at the 4-ball..which I missed by about a foot.

    We had a good time at the St. Lucie Mets game...nice ballpark...fair hot dogs...good I guess the whole weekend came out like we figured it might.

    It was real nice to meet you and I hope we get chances to bang a few more racks around...I will be quite busy until the end of the year but not so busy that I can't come visit with you at Dr. Philips and host you at our place from time to time.

    Keep in touch and let me know when you have some downtime...Mike
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