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    Accu-Stats Question

    Will do. But this is a busy week for me so please bear with me. I'll try and get to it as soon as I can. In the meantime I am looking forward to viewing the other matches/DVDs that I ordered yesterday. r/DCP
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    Accu-Stats Question

    Thanks for the info Mike. I just placed an order for six (6) DVDs. I did notice 2-3 DVDs that I was wanting are out of stock. Any plans to replenish the ones that have the N availability? r/DCP
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    Accu-Stats Question

    Do they still sell DVDs of matches? Or is all of their business online now, such as their YouTube channel? r/DCP
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    Elbow Drop - Billiards Digest October 2024

    In the October 2024 issue of Billiards Digest, page 19, in the Different Strokes section of Quick Hits it plainly states that Snooker players never drop their elbow during the stroke. It goes on to say that pool players tend to drive through the shot more. That obviously implies that pool...
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    Travis Trotter

    I don't get on here a lot anymore. Just wondering if everybody's favorite Cuetec rep Travis Trotter is still around? And does anybody know if he still plays a good game of 9-Ball by only missing two shots? r/DCP
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    Which Way Do You Play This Shot?

    From what I have read there are too many posters that don't realize there isn't much angle on the shot on the 2B. Those that are wanting to just come straight up for the 3B, that would be a difficult shot. r/DCP
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    Which Way Do You Play This Shot?

    I was down stairs doing my laundry and I rolled out some balls on the table and, wala, ended up with this shot on the 2-Ball. Just wondering which way you posters might play it. Going with a little inside and coming towards the 3B between the 5B and 9B? Or avoiding all of that and coming...
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    Predator Arcos II Reserve Cue Ball

    I finally got one. Delivered in the mail today. Just wondering. Is there anything special about this CB other than the black triangles? r/DCP
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    Buddy Hall

    Does anybody know what exactly is wrong with Buddy? And will he be in the nursing home the rest of his life?
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    Buddy Hall

    Heard a rumor tonight. Perhaps someone can verify it one way or another. Is Buddy Hall in a nursing home now? r/DCP
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    US Open (9 ball) 2024, August 19-24, Atlantic City

    Correct me if I am wrong here, but........ Years ago if you had the entry fee and a cue you could play in the US Open? Right? Barry Behrman told me once about 20 years ago on the phone that if I had the $500 entry fee and a cue I could play. Then he said that if I had the $500 entry fee he...
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    Speed / Position drills?

    Anybody have any new ideas/thoughts/drills regarding speed/position nowadays? r/DCP
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    Orner Billiards Indianapolis

    Just wondering if Orner Billiards is still going strong in the Indy area? That's where I got my Gold Crown IV years ago. Haven't been up that way for years and just thought I would ask. Sure were some good folks that worked there at that time. r/DCP
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    Mark Wilson - CB or OB Last - Age Old Issue

    CB last or OB last. The age old issue. Here's what Mark Wilson said in his column in June of 2023 in Billiards Digest. "It makes no difference where the eyes are on the final stroke delivery....." r/DCP
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    June 2023 Billiards Digest Question???

    Can someone please explain to me why I just got the June 2023 issue of Billiards Digest in the mail yesterday? Yes, the June 2023 edition. r/DCP
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    All for one and one for all doesn't get it.

    I was looking through old threads from years ago. Ran across this one and thought it had some interesting info. So I bumped it. If anybody wants to try and read more into that, well, that's their option to do so. I bump old threads now and then. r/DCP
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    All for one and one for all doesn't get it.

    Bumping. Sounds like some interesting stuff here. r/DCP
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    Kinister 1 hour workout

    Thought I would bump this since somebody had mentioned Kinister's name on the forum the other day. r/DCP
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    Cloth color

    The Powder Blue used to be used alot years ago. I remember seeing the Mosconi Cup playing on it. You might consider Apple Green. It's a brighter shade of green if the standard Simonis 860 Green is too dark. Attached are pics of both Powder Blue and Apple Green.
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    cue makers actually taking orders

    I believe Chad Carter falls into this category. He is in Owensboro. Google/Yahoo him. At least worth a try. r/DCP