I am a Producer for American Road Player, Let's Talk


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hi Everyone! I’m new to this website and forum. My name is Peyton Thomas and I am a producer for the new reality web series “American Road Player”. After I posted our Promotional Video, I’ve followed along on the forums for the last week or so and have enjoyed reading all the stories and opinions. I wanted to start this forum to be able to answer any questions and give you more info about our funding campaign on indiegogo.com.

Bottom line is we need all of you to help make this happen! We are looking to raise the final amount to complete our budget through this crowd-funding platform. For your donation you will receive great perks, many of which were donated by our sponsors: Diamond Billiards, Derby City Classic, Hustlin USA, Pool Dawg and azbilliards.com. These companies have joined our efforts because they believe in our show, our cast and our team. The donation levels begin as low as $15. Every dollar counts. This is not about how much, it’s about how many. Here is the link to the indiegogo site:


Check out the site and pass it on to you circles. If I can get my fellow pool players to join together and donate, even just a little each, the millions of Indiegogo “regulars” will run with it and commit to our cause also.

Attached are a few flyers explaining our perks.

I look forward to discussing the show and the funding campaign.



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I see Edges
Silver Member
I love it. To me it's perfect. My only suggestion would be to get Derek Leonard AKA Chew-Bacca involved. He's also a road played with a big personality and some hilarious barking and game making. Scooter knows him well as does anyone in the southeast.
I know several road players but they don't get any better than Scooter and Chew. If you can have a website where we can watch the entire set played after the episode ends would be great. Since you asked for suggestion..... Please ignore the haters. They will find fault in the Popes attire or anything else that comes up. My best advice is to log out this forum before the rocks start flying .
Good luck and I personally think it's great


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I think the show is a great idea! Although there are many, many players who play better than Scooter, his personality is what will make the show successful. I do have a question though... since it is supposed to be a "reality" show, what happens if Scooter and the gang go broke on the first night? There is a chance of that happening if it truly is reality... They start out with $2500, have to put gas in the car, pay for a hotel room, eat, and then make a game to profit after the expenses of the road?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I have a question. I like the concept but it seems to me that going around pool halls with a TV crew in tow is gonna be a pretty hard knock on anyone's action. As in, "Hi, umm, I'm making a tv show about taking money from unsuspecting suckers like you. Wanna play some 9-ball?"

If it's done right, I think this show could be great. There's a lot of substantive drama in trying to making on the road, both on and off the table. I'm just wondering how to get around the fact that bringing TV cameras into a pool hall is going to change the whole dynamic.


Beefcake. BEEFCAKE!!
Silver Member
I have a question. I like the concept but it seems to me that going around pool halls with a TV crew in tow is gonna be a pretty hard knock on anyone's action. As in, "Hi, umm, I'm making a tv show about taking money from unsuspecting suckers like you. Wanna play some 9-ball?"

If it's done right, I think this show could be great. There's a lot of substantive drama in trying to making on the road, both on and off the table. I'm just wondering how to get around the fact that bringing TV cameras into a pool hall is going to change the whole dynamic.

The vast majority of the reality shows on TV are fake, this one will be no different.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The vast majority of the reality shows on TV are fake, this one will be no different.

True. I wonder how many cars are "repo-ed" outside of pool halls.

On another note, I'm starting a new show called "Pool Hall Rescue". Hey Bar Rescue does OK.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hi Everyone! I’m new to this website and forum. My name is Peyton Thomas and I am a producer for the new reality web series “American Road Player”.

I look forward to discussing the show and the funding campaign.


I liked the "teaser" trailor. Liked every aspect of it including audio,visual effects,sharpness of the picture. I wish you all the best in your venture.
U may consider Cameo appearences by " Angry White ". Scooter knows who I am talking about.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hi. Thanks for the positive responses. I don't know Derek Leonard but he sounds very interesting. The fact is that we are open to talking to anyone who is interested in playing. I have been following Scooter and Spanky for three years so we have met many great players and personalities. The idea behind the "Money counter" is to show the reality of the world. We are not going to script this. We are only going to set up situations, characters and games that we feel will be organic and interesting. I have found in the last three years that these stories and characters are interesting enough to excite an audience therefore I do not need to script. We will edit it truthfully but with storytelling in mind. In other words, tell the story within a television format that will keep you coming back. We have also found that the cameras are not a deterrent to these great situations. After all, isn't that what make this great. These are true entertainers that will interest not only pool enthusiasts but also the average American who will attach themselves to a world that they know nothing about! That is the beauty of this show that lives within a sport that needs new blood.
I ask you to check out the campaign and help me get this going. I am fully invested an I can see how people are looking for something new, something real. It only take few to get it started. Thanks!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I liked the "teaser" trailor. Liked every aspect of it including audio,visual effects,sharpness of the picture. I wish you all the best in your venture.
U may consider Cameo appearences by " Angry White ". Scooter knows who I am talking about.

Thank you. The entire series will be shot in the same style and professionalism. We are open to all characters who are interested.

If you haven't already, please check out the site and spread the word. It only takes a little extra from everyone to make a difference!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Pool has been suffering a slow dyin death since the good ol days (late 80's to 90's) where all you had to do was get paged by your budro's.. "beep" "beep"... and you knew your fav-o-rite room just had the latest road-player walk in.. Back then, you could've walked in one wknd and seen Gene the Machine walkin round with a broom stick in his hand.. chummin up bettors.. then the next wknd seen Grossman and Little David chattin in a corner about some new fresh-faced kid in the back called Deuel..

But what do we have now.. just a shell of what it used to be. A few rumors every once in a while about so-and-so who played this-dude-or-that-dude for 10k set.. we need a spark to get the game back on the map..

So if this so-called reality show is gona be the next comin of our hallowed game.. then hell, tear it up..I'm ready. I'd like to see these new era iphone hambone boys get some rabble rousin goin like it used to be..

-just donated $15


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The vast majority of the reality shows on TV are fake, this one will be no different.

Everything you see in the promotional video is real. We have not scripted anything in three years and we will not in the future. What makes this great is that I don't have to script it, the stories and characters speak for themselves. The characters and situations will be real and we will only effect in a way that we can capture it but not change it. We will make it a "show" format out of the footage and tell the story in way that will keep people's interest, but it will all be true and unscripted. Thanks!

Allen Brown

Pool Whale
Silver Member
Thank you. The entire series will be shot in the same style and professionalism. We are open to all characters who are interested.

If you haven't already, please check out the site and spread the word. It only takes a little extra from everyone to make a difference!

Do you have a list of pool halls you will be going to when you start?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Pool has been suffering a slow dyin death since the good ol days (late 80's to 90's) where all you had to do was get paged by your budro's.. "beep" "beep"... and you knew your fav-o-rite room just had the latest road-player walk in.. Back then, you could've walked in one wknd and seen Gene the Machine walkin round with a broom stick in his hand.. chummin up bettors.. then the next wknd seen Grossman and Little David chattin in a corner about some new fresh-faced kid in the back called Deuel..

But what do we have now.. just a shell of what it used to be. A few rumors every once in a while about so-and-so who played this-dude-or-that-dude for 10k set.. we need a spark to get the game back on the map..

So if this so-called reality show is gona be the next comin of our hallowed game.. then hell, tear it up..I'm ready. I'd like to see these new era iphone hambone boys get some rabble rousin goin like it used to be..

-just donated $15

THANK YOU! Your passion is what this sport has, but it has not been shown in a long while. People want to feel that passion. I want to show that passion. Watching pool is fun???? I say, hell yes it is and I want more people to experience THAT. Thanks for the donation!!!

Charlie Hustle

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What happens if you get people to donate, but do not reach your goal? Do they get their money back? Not trying to knock your project or bring any negativity, just an honest question. Good luck, I liked the trailer and wish you the best of luck. And if ya'll come through Houston, I may be interested in doing something. :wink:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Do you have a list of pool halls you will be going to when you start?

The plan is to start in Scooter's Hometown in Ohio and work our way south to New Orleans and back up to the Derby. We will announce as we get closer but filming will start on or about Jan. 17th


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What happens if you get people to donate, but do not reach your goal? Do they get their money back? Not trying to knock your project or bring any negativity, just an honest question. Good luck, I liked the trailer and wish you the best of luck. And if ya'll come through Houston, I may be interested in doing something. :wink:

Great question. If we do not make our goal, $40,000 everyone who donated WILL be refunded their money 100%. Thanks for the question and I am glad to hear you liked the show! Please pass along the info and check out the cool perks. The hats and T-shirt from Hustlin USA are going to be awesome! We will keep you informed our track! FYI, for Only $25, you can be a part of the Action Experience and follow us on the road through video updates and live events!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Do you have a list of pool halls you will be going to when you start?

Plan to start on or about the 15th of January. Route will run from Ohio to New Orleans and back to the Derby. Final pool halls and cities will be announced before we start.
Thanks for the question!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I love it. To me it's perfect. My only suggestion would be to get Derek Leonard AKA Chew-Bacca involved. He's also a road played with a big personality and some hilarious barking and game making. Scooter knows him well as does anyone in the southeast.
I know several road players but they don't get any better than Scooter and Chew. If you can have a website where we can watch the entire set played after the episode ends would be great. Since you asked for suggestion..... Please ignore the haters. They will find fault in the Popes attire or anything else that comes up. My best advice is to log out this forum before the rocks start flying .
Good luck and I personally think it's great

Thanks. We are very excited to share this show with everyone and there will definitely be additional content after each episode. Spread the word and check out the perks, pretty cool stuff that will only be available through the campaign!