My lousy 8 ball break, crap!

Ak Guy

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My 8 ball break sucks. I have watched the pros and read about it and study it. I have broke from all over the table at different speeds. I have hit he head ball and the second ball. Angled breaks and head on breaks. It still sucks and over half the time a ball does not fall in. I have a Diveney jump/break cue with a Samsara tip. It is not the cue, just me.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Try focusing on one or two spots for your cue ball placement and make sure you hit the rack as squarely as possible. The best way to get as much power transferred as possible is to make a square hit.


Cue Author...Sometimes
Gold Member
Silver Member
My 8 ball break sucks. I have watched the pros and read about it and study it. I have broke from all over the table at different speeds. I have hit he head ball and the second ball. Angled breaks and head on breaks. It still sucks and over half the time a ball does not fall in. I have a Diveney jump/break cue with a Samsara tip. It is not the cue, just me.

Sounds like you need lessons.

Freddie <~~~ also thinks it's just you


Scroll Lock- Juicy Style
Silver Member
82 y/o

When we started playing in the APA I met an 82 y/o lady. She walked to the table swings her cue in slow motion the cue ball rolls it takes for ever for it to hit the rack... It's a clean hit she breaks the rack and in slow motion each ball rolls and rolls and rolls until finally they stop and the entire rack is blown apart. The whole thing took an eternity and every time she broke it was the same. Slow soft but she hit the cue ball dead on and that cue ball hit the rack perfect and it took for freaking ever. It was the weirdest thing to watch. A few weeks later she retired.

Point is, if an 82 year old lady about to retire from her career in pool can do an amazing break every time. So can you, best I take tell you, hit the dead on to where ever you want to hit the rack:cool:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'll be making a breaking video soon and have it on Utube for a week or so

My 8 ball break sucks. I have watched the pros and read about it and study it. I have broke from all over the table at different speeds. I have hit he head ball and the second ball. Angled breaks and head on breaks. It still sucks and over half the time a ball does not fall in. I have a Diveney jump/break cue with a Samsara tip. It is not the cue, just me.

Imagine that you are going to sucker punch someone and they didn't see you coming.

Would you stand the same way you normally would to throw this punch.

Not hardly.

You would position your body so you could really get some momentum behind it.

But many of us stand the same way we break as when we are shooting.

Many of us even hurt our body by not being in a real good position when we break.

The feet and the body need to be in a better position to use the bodies natural leverage.

I've taught this breaking method for about 3 years on the road with great success.

Almost all the players had great results.

I'll help you with this over the phone. Just be by a table and give me a call.

715-563-8712 I'll show you how to use your natural leverage to get the most bang for your efforts.

Just want to help. Anytime................

Agent 99

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Imagine that you are going to sucker punch someone and they didn't see you coming.

Would you stand the same way you normally would to throw this punch.

Not hardly.

You would position your body so you could really get some momentum behind it.

But many of us stand the same way we break as when we are shooting.

Many of us even hurt our body by not being in a real good position when we break.

The feet and the body need to be in a better position to use the bodies natural leverage.

I've taught this breaking method for about 3 years on the road with great success.

Almost all the players had great results.

I'll help you with this over the phone. Just be by a table and give me a call.

715-563-8712 I'll show you how to use your natural leverage to get the most bang for your efforts.

Just want to help. Anytime................

Yeah, here we go ... Some very good stuff in this post.

The power break is a completely different shot than any other in pool. It demands a different stance, as well as a different mind set.

You are trying to generate POWER, plain and simple, and if applied correctly you will be able to transfer nearly all of that energy into the rack.

Think about a baseball pitcher. He throws the ball with his arm, but he generates his POWER from his lower body.

He pushes off the rubber with his back leg and then TRANSFERS all his body weight forward as he throws the pitch.

Do not pick up the cue ball and throw it across the pool room.

You must be aware of the timing as you shift your weight forward, preferable making your back leg fly up into the air, as you move your weight forward firmly accelerating the cue.

Same is true in Golf.

When hitting a drive you swing the club with your arms, but you must generate the power by transferring the weight in your lower body. Timing is critical, yet very easily found with some practice, it's really a natural thing - be it baseball, golf or pool.

Hope that helps. Now call Gene and get the rest of the story. :thumbup:
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I agree with most of what is posted here. No matter how hard you hit the ball, if you don't hit the rack solid, you aren't going to have much success. Better to lower the break speed, and hit the rack solid IMO. It's not the cue. Heck if it were the cue, I'd go buy a very high end cue and start playing like Efren or SVB.:smile:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
every table is a little different too, so, when you choose the cb placement and not sink a ball on the break, move the ball over one ball width and try from there and continue until you find the "spot" to break from....


Full Splic Addict
Silver Member
Go to the TAR website and download breaking Shane's way. Watch, practice, repeat. There is a lot of very good information in there. It will change your break from a "strategic blast" to a controlled shot


Wanna Play Some?
Silver Member
I had lots of things wrong with my break few months ago it was the bad part of my game I'd either scratch or not sink anything so I just started watching lots of styles of break then I got my break cue and went too my table and just did break after break after break trying new stuff till I found what I was looking for!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My 8 ball break sucks. I have watched the pros and read about it and study it. I have broke from all over the table at different speeds. I have hit he head ball and the second ball. Angled breaks and head on breaks. It still sucks and over half the time a ball does not fall in. I have a Diveney jump/break cue with a Samsara tip. It is not the cue, just me.

Must have 100% tight rack, get closer and look, if you are farsighted‎ you might not be able to see the hair line opening between balls.

place tip about 6" away from CB at pause and hit with complete follow through, just a hair above center, you need to get used to the hit, watch your knuckles! watch tip marks on CB after break adjust accordingly!


Burn all jump cues
Silver Member
I don't know about you, but a lot of the time you don't get a good rack with the other guy racking and/or on some tables it's almost impossible to get a completely tight rack...which you have to have in 8-ball to get a good spread and make balls.. Johnnyt

Donny Lutz

Ferrule Cat
Silver Member
Delivery system

Imagine that you are going to sucker punch someone and they didn't see you coming.

Would you stand the same way you normally would to throw this punch.

Not hardly.

You would position your body so you could really get some momentum behind it.

But many of us stand the same way we break as when we are shooting.

Many of us even hurt our body by not being in a real good position when we break.

The feet and the body need to be in a better position to use the bodies natural leverage.

I've taught this breaking method for about 3 years on the road with great success.

Almost all the players had great results.

I'll help you with this over the phone. Just be by a table and give me a call.

715-563-8712 I'll show you how to use your natural leverage to get the most bang for your efforts.

Just want to help. Anytime................

Excellent points, Gene.

Such problems are almost always in the delivery system. Instruction is the most efficient way to address them.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If your trying so hard to crush the balls, a lot can go wrong, re start by making a good rack, and hit the the rack like your just shooting a object ball, really focus on hitting the head ball square, the reason I also say this, is on a regular shot, more than likely your wrist is free and not tight on the cue as it's a hard thing to get rid of the problem that a lot of players lock their wrist on the break shot or hold onto the cue very tightly instead of letting the wrist do it's thing. The regular shot break will make sure your not jumping the cue into the rack which loses gives a nice non productive break. Start over and keep your cue ball really close to the center line until things slowly become positive again, then a little more at a time, start getting that forward push into it. However, restarting and focus on a square hard hit to the head ball is going to help. The only thing to exagerate here is the follow through, go for it, follow through like forever and build this shot back up.