Joe Tuckers Guaranteed improvement


Pool Addict
Silver Member
This is a series of drills that will humble you. I am decent player in my neck of the woods and I was surprised at results during these drills. I am just getting started with this but after I have a month or two worth of doing these I will try to post my results so you can see if there is any improvement or not. (I can already tell there will be).

This is a great tool to get you into stroke and keep you there. If you're honest with yourself and you are willing to put in the work it will do exactly what the title says. See you in a month or so.


Silver Member
This is a series of drills that will humble you. I am decent player in my neck of the woods and I was surprised at results during these drills. I am just getting started with this but after I have a month or two worth of doing these I will try to post my results so you can see if there is any improvement or not. (I can already tell there will be).

This is a great tool to get you into stroke and keep you there. If you're honest with yourself and you are willing to put in the work it will do exactly what the title says. See you in a month or so.

Sounds great, looking forward to reading your review! Certainly the handful instruction videos of his I've seen on YT are most informative.

Greetings from Switzerland, David.

„J'ai gâché vingt ans de mes plus belles années au billard. Si c'était à refaire, je recommencerais.“ – Roger Conti


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
bought the book
and dvd were he explains the drills , plays them for you,
and discusses problems you might encounter or things to pay attention to.
i found out im not as good as i thought i was!!!!!!!!
at least there is room for improvement:thumbup:
very concise set of drills which will definitely improve your game if you spend the time to master them
i recommend it highly and well worth the price


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Joe Tuckers Guaranteed improvement DVDs are among the best instructional DVDs ever made. His other videos are outstanding as well. When I spend a few hours a week doing the Guaranteed Improvement Shots and Drills, my game improves significantly.

Often I get lazy and don't do them. Then my game goes to crap again. :D


Rusty Shackleford
Silver Member
I've had this for a while, but just started on it this past weekend. It has some tough stuff on it and I think I'm on Drill 4. Lol.

I think it will be very beneficial, if I can just put the table time in with it.

I love Joe's stuff. He just seems like a cool pool guy.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
bought the book
and dvd were he explains the drills , plays them for you,
and discusses problems you might encounter or things to pay attention to.
i found out im not as good as i thought i was!!!!!!!!
at least there is room for improvement:thumbup:
very concise set of drills which will definitely improve your game if you spend the time to master them
i recommend it highly and well worth the price

Very tough drills!!! Cant wait to get my own table to do them more often! :thumbup:


Looking forward to getting this in. However, it wasnt worth the $5 for 2 day priority as I ordered it monday night and it didnt come in today. O well, guess Ill have it friday.


Ok, it was in the mailbox when I got home from work tonight. I'll revisit this thread in a month or two and report any imporvment. Right now my average score is 40-45 playing the 9 ball ghost with an occaional run into the 50's. Can't wait to get started. Wish me luck!


New member
Since Joe Tuckers Guaranteed Improvement, is topic of this thread...I was hoping someone could you inform me on the set up for drill #4. As the cue ball and object ball are displayed in my book...I can' see how that drill can be completed with the proper results.

Anyone have info on setup adjustments needed?


Ok, it was in the mailbox when I got home from work tonight. I'll revisit this thread in a month or two and report any imporvment. Right now my average score is 40-45 playing the 9 ball ghost with an occaional run into the 50's. Can't wait to get started. Wish me luck!

Well, I think I've worked with Joe Tuckers GI long enough to give an honest review.

I was scoring as a D Player with most of the drills when I bought it and was moved from a BCA League skill level 4 to a skill level 5 a week before I ordered them. Since then I would say I'm certainly playing at a higher level and wont be surprised if I move up to a 6 next week with the way I have been playing.

I credit the 15 rail shot drill and the 10 ball rotation rail drill and the one rail position drill for most of my success.

I'm currently scoring in the high C player average using Joe's ranking system and feel I'm getting better.

Overall, I think it's definitely worth the $30 I paid and would recommend buying the dvd with the book.


The 10-ball rotation drill is also my favorite. Taught me speed control, how to avoid the side pocket scratch, and added new shots to my repertoire when I got out of line. My best score is 88.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Since Joe Tuckers Guaranteed Improvement, is topic of this thread...I was hoping someone could you inform me on the set up for drill #4. As the cue ball and object ball are displayed in my book...I can' see how that drill can be completed with the proper results.

Anyone have info on setup adjustments needed?

The OB placement in the picture is wrong for this drill. The written description is correct, however. Put the edge of the OB 6" from the end rail on the line of the first diamond.

Even from this position shot #5 won't go on new cloth. On my home GC4 with one year old 860, the best I can do is shot #4. I can't hit #5 at all.

Before I got the home table and I did the drills on the pool hall's GC3 with super worn 860, my best score on shot #5 was 9 out of 10 attempts.